- If this happens during the weekend, the weekend on-call supervisor should be called. If you cannot reach the on-call supervisor, call the Service Desk Manager next.
- If this happens at any other time, onMonday - Friday the on-call is the person who is scheduled to be on-call that weekend. So the same person is on-call Mon - Sun currently. (This might change once we get another supervisor on the schedule. )
- For each incidence send an email to csc leadership stating who was called (and if they were reached,) and what the issue was. This is similar to sending email when contacting an admin.
Criteria for calling on-call:
- After researching and exhausting all possible measures and not finding the procedure or answer. Including communicating with others on your shift.
- Network down or major global so managers/supervisors can get on phone bridge.
Phone Bridge
When Service Alerts occur the Service Management office may open the phone bridge. This allows incident managers to discuss progress and communication about the alert while the admins are actually working on the issues. The bridge is joined by calling into 49-62500. If a Phone Bridge situation arises, an email with "High Importance" priority should be sent to ***CSC/IOC management email inserted here*** to alert the supervisors.