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ITIS-Data Network Incident Resolution Process -- Updated 2-2-18.docx250

titleNetwork Device Alerts

  • Locate the night's planned maintenance in the Footprints Change and Release Management workspace calendar to ensure the device is not scheduled to be down.
  • Action should be considered for any Squared Up alarm that shows up in the Normal Operations Network View for 20 minutes or longer in duration.  The appropriate steps should be taken as outlined in Section II, Incident On-Call Process found elsewhere in this document.
  • Action should be taken for network issues reported by I-Light, the ITaP help desk, campus personnel, students, and/or visitors.

8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday:           
  • Wireless/PAL issues that are being experienced by multiple clients.
  • Reports of multiple data PIC service issues in an area.
  • Report of single HIGH PRIORITY data PIC or wireless PAL outage.
  • Call from I-Light
  • Follow the normal on-call procedures
Outside of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday:          
  • Wireless/PAL issues that are being experienced by multiple clients in different buildings.
  • Send an email to to notify the ITIS Data TeamNetworking. If this issue seems to be high priority or widespread it may be justified to escalate to our normal on-call procedures.
  • Reports of multiple data PIC service issues in an area.
  • Report of single HIGH PRIORITY data PIC or wireless PAL outage.
  • Call from I-Light
  • Follow the normal on-call procedures.


Network Incident On-Call Process

For Squared Up Network alarms and trouble calls, triage process to be followed is below:all SQUAREDUP alarms, trouble calls, and StruxureWare alarms (specifically for ERHT 5A/5B, LAMB 20, LYNN B168, or TEL 210) the on-call triage process to be used follows:

For alarms originating from StruxureWare, DCM (Data Center Management) personnel should be notified in addition to proceeding with the Data Networking (ITIS) notification steps outlined below.

  1. Verify that the building that is showing the alarm has electrical power. Pass this information to the on-call and in the follow up email.
  2. For alarms originating from StruxureWare, DCM personnel should be notified in addition to proceeding with the ITIS- Data Team Networking notification steps outlined below.
  3. Call ITIS-Data Networks Data Networking (ITIS) Primary On-Call phone (765-494-1591). If no answer, voice mail should be left on the phone and you should wait 5 minutes before proceeding.
  4. An email should be sent to do not need to send another email when you try to reach someone. If you leave a message, include this sentence in the body of the email: "We will escalate the on-call process if there is no response within 5 minutes."
  5. Call ITIS-Data Networks Call Data Networking (ITIS) Secondary On-Call phone (765-494-1530). If no answer, voice mail should be left on the phone and you should wait 5 minutes before proceeding.

  6. Call Garrett Williams at 440-429-7112.  If  If no answer, call Daniel Pierce Chris Teague 765-404357-54321471.   Wait 5 minutes before proceeding to Step 7.

  7. In the event that none of the individuals from Steps 3 through 6 above has responded, repeat those steps until contact is made. 

Special Notes:

  • ITIS-Data Networking personnel who are contacted by Operations staff are responsible for providing issue status updates to Operations in a timely fashion.  As a general rule this means that such feedback should be provided once you start investigating an issue, whenever an ETA for resolution has been determined and again when the issue has been resolved.  Additional updates are always welcome as well, especially for extended outages.

Information to Provide When Reporting Network Issues

For Squared Up alarms report the following information from Squared Up when reporting issue:

  1. Date/Time that alarm started (Example: October 26, 10:00 AM)
  2. Affected Device Name (Example: mrdh-285n-c2950-01)
  3. Last Ping (Example: 2017-11-01 11:14:43)

For network issues reported by I-Light or the ITaP help desk, campus personnel, students, or visitors, report the following information:

  1. Date/Time that issue began or was first noticed (Example: October 26, 10:00 AM)
  2. Affected service (Examples: wireless/PAL, data PIC(s), or I-Light call back)
  3. Location where problem is occurring (Examples: wireless on 2nd floor of Armstrong, all data PICs in the Forestry building, or I-Light). Whenever possible obtain a specific building and nearest room number.
  4. Name and phone number (or at least email) of person experiencing/reporting problem

More details can be found on the attached document below:

View file


  • If a yellow alarm window opens for the event or audit logs becoming full, send mail to and acknowledge the alert.

  • If there is an AirStack alarm (red circle) or any red alarm window opens in Metasys, call Todd Turner at 68214 (this number should be used at all times.) Leave voicemail if Todd does not answer.

    1. If Todd does not answer, follow the Data Center Management notification procedures in the CMDB until you reach someone. If you can't reach anyone call your supervisor.
  • Once the problem has been reported you can acknowledge an alarm window to close it.
  • PF staff may call us from the site to ask that we contact Todd (68214) or contact the vendor, Keller-Rivest. Contact information for them is listed in the Rolodex. Call them in the order listed until you reach someone.
