- Check calendar and Log for any special instructions regarding these systems.
- Firmware/Software update pop ups - Send e-mail to ITIS Data Center Management.
- Humidity alarms (low or high) in StruxureWare should be reported by email only - no phone call needed.
- Battery alarms in StruxureWare for UPSs (devices with "apc" or "trp" in the hostname) should be reported by email only - no phone call needed.
- Red alarms (except data network alarms: ERHT 5A/5B, LAMB 20, LYNN B168, or TEL 210 and the exceptions listed above) - Call Todd Turner (68214).
- Data Network alarms for the buildings LAMB, LYNN, ERHT, and TEL need to be reported to Data Networks.
- “Device status may be inaccurate because an attempt to transfer a device definition file (DDF) failed" alarm. Right click on the device and select "Request device scan" (per the email received by IOC on 05/06/2018).
- Call Todd Turner (68214) if the step above doesn't clear the alarm.
- Communication lost
- If ALL devices in a room are down, call right away
- Ping the IP Address. If it pings it should clear. If it does not ping or clear after 10 minutes then move to step 3.
- Contact Data Center Management via phone & email.
- Physical Facilities will call to report PMs on the CRAC & generator units listed below.Send email to ITI Data Center Management at iti-dcm@purdue.edu when they start and stop.
This protocol also pertains to when they come in on the weekends for a key. Ask what they are working on and send email to ITI Data Center Management. - Include the building, room, device name, and Physical Facilities technician name in the e-mail.
- This is only for the equipment listed below. In all other cases dealing with Physical Facilities requests for permission to do work call Todd Turner at 496-8214.
Generator Test TEL NodesCrac units Data Centers- FREH G2 CRAC #1,2,3,4
- FREH G60 CRAC 1, ACG-2
- HAAS CRAC 1,2,3
- MATH B60 CRAC 1,2,3
- MATH G72 Chiller
- MATH G109 CRAC 5,6,13
- MATH G190 CRAC 1,12,32
TEL Nodes- ERHT 5 CRAC 1,2
- LAMB 20 ACG-20,21
- LYNN G168 ACG-40, 41
- TEL 210 CRAC 1,2,3
CamerasStruxureWare also includes monitoring functionality for the cameras in the data centers. This view in StruxureWare should be open at all times on the large screen. - Please monitor the cameras from time to time to make sure nothing suspicious is going on. Check the Shift Log, Change and Release Management Workspace Calendar and your email for scheduled work. If it appears that the occupants do not belong in the room or are removing things during the night, notify PUPD (48221) to investigate. You will also need to call Todd Turner if you do call PUPD, or if you feel unsure.
- HAAS is considered a lights-out facility with several groups who have card access. The building fire panel is located in the datacenter. The Fire & Safety group works Midnight to 8am doing panel tests across campus, and you will see them or the PUFD in the room from time-to-time.