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titleBoilerkey Authentication Internationally


Boilerkey eTokens are the recommended method of over-seas authentication.

You're two biggest concerns will be:
> The token drifting out of sync with the server
If a token isn't used for a time, it can drift out of sync with the server. Try not to go more than a week without using it.

> The token physically failing due to adverse conditions
As with any other electronic device, protect it from harsh environmental conditions.

In either case though, the 'back up' would be to generate a list of one time use codes.

Before leaving on a trip, 

First, make sure that the token is working normally, a new one can be obtained at a help desk if there is an issue. Multiple tokens can be synced to an account without issue.

Second, go to the Boilerkey homepage,
Click the option near the bottom "Obtain List of BoilerKey One-Time Use Backup Codes"
Have it generate a list of ten 9-digit-codes.
Each of these codes won't expire for a year, but will deactivate once used.

In the case that your token stops allowing you to log in, use one of these codes to access the Boilerkey homepage,
Username will be the same, but the password format will be in the format of PIN,CODE (####,#########)
On the home page, click on "Manage my BoilerKey Tokens (fix a token, return a token, etc)"

Then the "Fix/Resync" button next to your token
Follow the on screen directions to resync your token, and it should be restored to service.

If this doesn't work, or if the token itself stops functioning entirely,
You'll need to resort to using exclusively One-Time Use Backup Codes until you can get a new token issued.
Use the codes as described above to log into the desired service, 

Username will be the same, but the password format will be in the format of PIN,CODE (####,#########)
Make SURE to keep one code in reserve,
When you're down to one code remaining, use that code to access the Boilerkey homepage,

Click the option near the bottom "Obtain List of BoilerKey One-Time Use Backup Codes"
Have it generate a list of ten 9-digit-codes.
You now have a new list, again... keep one in reserve to make a new list.

If you fine yourself in the situation of no codes, and no token, you'll need to arrange to call into the ITaP Customer Service Center, (765) 494-4000 , so that we can issue you a bypass code, to get the above process going again.
These codes are ONLY able to be issued by phone or in person, so please make arrangements accordingly.


If you have any further issues or questions, please reply to this email or call us at 765-494-4000 between 8:00am-5:00pm, Monday-Friday.
Please press '1' during the recorded message, and reference your Issue # listed above if possible.

Thank you,
<<CSC Associate>>

ITaP Customer Service Center

For Tech Support:
West Lafayette: or (765) 494-4000, or in person at the HSSE Library or 1st Floor of WALC
Purdue Northwest: or (219) 989-2888
IUPUI: or (317) 274-4357
Purdue Fort Wayne: or (260) 481-6030
