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PFW will send a ticket to dispatch as well as call the IOC. Please send the ticket from dispatch to the admin we call for them. Not sure what to do yet about networking. Just follow our normal protocol for now.Treat like a Request for Contact:

Admins will call IOC with a request for us to contact another admin regarding something they might need help with. Here you will find instructions for this below. (For PFW or PNW calls we might have to figure out what admin to call. Please reach out to Dan or I quickly if you can't figure it out. And then if we are not available, call Brad Peart.)

  • Get name, group and contact information from admin making the request. (Note time they called for logging purposes)
  • Contact the group they requested contact with and give them the information needed to contact requesting group. (Note time for logging purposes)
  • Send follow up email addressed to both groups involved and the IOC. Sometimes groups will request you give the information to them through email.
  • Make log entries regarding the incoming call and the outgoing call. Two separate entries.
  • Escalate a ticket they might have made to the admin team we called for them. 

*searching the IOC log for request for contact will show you examples on how to log. The follow up email will use the standard one we use for all follow up emails but with a tweak.