PUPD Calls
Sometimes PUPD will call requesting information from Purdue IT, e.g. computer session data for a missing student. They may have already sent email to ITSP, but they are calling us so that we can contact ITSP immediately. Call and follow up email to: security@purdue itsp-services@purdue.edu Primary: Steve Medel 737-229-0150 Secondary: Justin Greer 765-444-2994. Although security@purdue.edu may be listed as a follow-up email on some sources, emails to this address will generate a FootPrints ticket for each new email or keep reopening tickets if cc'd (like when itap@purdue.edu is cc'd). For now, itsp-services@purdue.edu is the preferred follow-up address. If PUPD is asking for something else, consult the on-call supervisor as needed.