File Path: C:\IOC\dcexpert\StruxureWare Data Center Expert 7.8.0\dcexpert
Data Center Enterprise and Storage should be notified of any red alarms that appear in StruxureWare by phone call. Yellow alarms should be monitored for changes, but do not need to be reported (with the exception of door alarms - they should be reported as below, "Routine alarm", and Temperature Alarms (See High Temperature Alarms (red or yellow) or Outage; except 2550 netbotz alarms - see "2550 Netbotz 750 Alarms" below). FIRE alarms warrants an immediate call. Exceptions to when to call are listed below:
Business Hours 8 to 5pm: Greg During normal business hours, any DCM member can be contacted. (Joe is on site full time; Greg is in three days or more a week and Todd and Taylor are hybrid.) Greg 765-496-2456, Joe Wenzel 765-532-3624 3624, Todd Turner 765-496-8214
After Business Hours: Starting 11/6/2023, DCM has a weekly rotating lead on-call. Starting 11/6-11/12, Todd Turner. Joe Wenzel the following week. Then, Greg Veldman. If the lead doesn’t answer, follow up with the next person in line. For emergencies, the team is all in. **Lead is subject to change.**
Todd Turner 765-496-8214, Joe Wenzel 765-532-3624, Todd Turner Greg 765-496-82142456
Escalation: If the on-calls do not answer, call Taylor Donald 317-340-9937. If Taylor doesn't answer, call Keith Duvall 219-448-8281
Active Alarms will be displayed under the “Active Alarms” tab, and the normal-status green checkmarks next to the devices will change to yellow or red, depending on the nature of the alarm(s).
The most important screens within the software to be monitored are the “Device Groups” and “Active Alarms” windows. We are looking for any color other than green , but specifically yellow and/or red in one or both of those windows. Yellow alarms should be monitored for changes, but do not need to be reported (except High Temperature alarms, which should be treated as red alarms).