Please use these guidelines to assist in isolating the root cause of a computer issue for both CSDS and AgIT customers. The guidelines should be reviewed prior to escalating an issue with an unknown cause.
- How many customers or computers are experiencing this issue? Is it local to one area, a whole building, or across campus (e.g. HFS MKTG is in two different parts of campus but accesses the same file locations and servers)?
- Is the issue new, recurring, or intermittent?
- If someone else logs into the computer, do they experience the same issue?
- Does the issue persist after restarting the computer?
- If the customer logs into another computer, can they reproduce the issue?
- What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
- Did the customer recently change their password?
- Did they change it via CTRL+ALT+DEL or the ITaP website?
- Is the account locked in Active Directory?
- Was the machine recently re-imaged, had software pushed, or any other modification?
- If they are having an issue with not being able to communicate with a service:
- Is the service software installed on the computer if need be (e.g. SAP GUI)?
- Can others use the service?
- Are they able to communicate on the network with other services?
- Is this the first time they have used the service?
- Can you ping the service?
- If the computer is not communicating on the network:If the customer logs into another computer, can they reproduce the issue
- What is the type of network connection in use (e.g. PAL, AT&T wifi, hardwired campus/off campus, VPN, etc.)? Is there a green light on the computer where the network cable is plugged in? Has the wireless switch been turned off?
- Have the customer confirm their IP address. Is it the expected address and is it on the expected subnet?
Does the machine have a static IP? (check
ftp- nomenclator
- itt
- pub/hosts/hosts
app in a web browser for the computer’s IP)
- Check Have the customer check cable connections and verifying everything is plugged in correctly.
- If someone else logs into the computer, do they experience the same issue?
- Does the issue persist after restarting the computer?
- Is the customer using VPN?
- WHICH VPN are they connecting to?
- Is the customer using VPN?
- Research any error messages in Gold Answers, FootPrints, Google, etc. for additional troubleshooting steps to take.