- Copy the folder(Office_2016_x86_Collection) from the share:(share drive link to come later) https://purdue0-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/cchasta_purdue_edu/ElH8tcNJavRKkWG0UskMIoYBEp-x0kITKqvmGeZT1NjZzQ?e=0WmGd2
- C$ into their machine using File Explorer
- \\CSDS-XXXXX\C$ (For credentials, use your DADMIN credentials)
- If you cannot C$ into their machine, they may not be on one of the webvpn’s or they haven’t been on them for long enough.
Figure 2 The ccmcache folder
- Navigate to their ccmcache folder, if it looks similar to what is above, you are in the right place.
- Typically going to be: \\Csds-xxxxx\c$\Windows\ccmcache
- Paste the folder into the ccmcache folder Note: do not cut and paste it. Do not rename it
- After it is on the machine, you can run the reinstall like normal from Control Panel
- Note: You may need to try it twice
In the event that it does not run, you may need to run it from the ccmcache folder you just made on their machine. It should show the repair option by running the install.vbs script.
In the event that that does not work, you may need to run the "setup.exe" file, let it run for a few minutes, close it in task manager, run it again, hit repair and there's a 50/50 chance that will fail to which you should just need to run it one more time for it to finally work.