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These instructions are for adding your Purdue Office 365 email account with two-step verification to the Mail app on an iPhone or other iOS device. If you already have your Harvard email set up on the Mail app on your iPhone or iPad, you'll first need to remove your existing account.

Remove your existing Mail account

  1. On your iOS device, tap to open the Settings app.  
  2. Tap Passwords & Accounts for iOS 13.x or lower OR tap Mail then Accounts for iOS 14.x or higher.

  3. Tap on your Purdue email account, commonly named Exchange

  4. At the bottom, tap on Delete Account

  5. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion. Although the data is being removed from your phone, your Mail, Contacts, Calendars, Reminders, and Notes are saved to your Office 365 account and will sync back to your phone when you re-add the account

  6. Wait for the deletion to complete. When you are returned to the list of your accounts, you have successfully removed your Exchange account from your iOS device

Use two-step verification with Mail for iOS

1. Navigate to Settings, and tap Accounts & Passwords

2. Tap Add Account

3. Select Exchange as the account type


5. This will redirect to the Microsoft sign-in page, where you will enter your E-mail password. Then, tap Sign in

6. Because of enrollment in two-step verification, you will see a security prompt. Choose your authentication method and respond to the Microsoft Authenticator push or call, or enter a passcode
