Admins will need to checkout keys to buildings on campus for access to Telcomm rooms. There are card swipe keys and physical keys.
In addition to the monitoring of the same, the IOC is charged with managing access to many IT infrastructure installations and locations. Access to physical equipment and locations is controlled primarily by physical exclusion (doors); authorized individuals carry their credentials to access these spaces with them (keys).
Some individuals without routine access will require occasional access to these spaces or equipment. For example:
Group | Reason | Required Access |
Physical Facilities | preventative maintenance on CRAC unit | personnel would need access to CRAC units in datacenters |
Networking | replace card in switch in academic building networking closet | personnel would need access to the academic building |
UNIX admin | require physical interaction with unresponsive machine to restart machine | personnel would need access to the datacenter that houses the machine in question |
Building Services | wax floors in restricted area | personnel would need access to the restricted area |
Third Party Contractor | upgrade fibre in TEL vault | personnel would need access to TEL and the vault |
IOC personnel will grant access to authorized individuals in one or more of three ways (in the following order of preference):
- provision door plan on PUID card,
- issue "contractor" card,
- issuance of cut keys.
Generally, the location of the requested access will dictate which method of access should be issued. Facilities that are not Transact/door swipe enabled will obviously be inaccessible with a PUID; a cut key would be required. However, a datacenter may have both a card swipe AND keyway/cut key; in this case, other aspects of the request should be considered to determine the most appropriate method of access to provide.
Checking Keys Out/enabling door plans:
Before checking keys out or granting swipe access to a PUID, IOC needs to:
- verify/establish the need for access
- verify the building/key being requested; is the location appropriate to the request?
- have them present a photo ID
- gather their
- Name
- Group
- Contact number
- For individuals with a previous history of datacenter access, grant access after verifying the above, and email DCM.
- For individuals for whom no prior authorization is found:
- Email DCM to request authorization if access is needed
- If access is requested urgently/emergently, call DCM for authorization, and send follow-up email.
- REMOTE REQUESTS TBD - call DCM for instructions.
Log their info into the IOC log and make sure they have the key. Remind them to return the key(s) within the same day unless arrangements are made otherwise. This procedure is for both cut keys and electronic (swipe) key-cards. Key cards have an additional hard copy log to fill out.
Keys need to be returned same day unless arrangements are made otherwise. 2nd shift should follow up before end of shift (preferably before 9ish so as not to call too late). Remind users to return the key(s).
ACT and Transact Door Plans (enabling PUID cards):
Authorized IOC personnel can provision certain access to PUID cards for some door swipe-protected facilities:
- MATH G190 (datacenter)
- MATH G109 (datacenter)
- MATH B60 (datacenter)
- TEL (building and elevator)
- TEL 210 (datacenter)
- HAAS (datacenter)
- LAMB (datacenter)
Access should be granted for the least amount of time necessary to complete the task. This should be determined in collaboration with the individual requesting access.
Adding Access to Contractor Keycards:
Login to
Click on "Add Access Change"
Select the "Reason for Change" and "Type of change". Make sure to fill out the "Detailed reason for change" as well.
Grant access for the least amount of time necessary to complete the task.
Scroll down and click "Add Customers"
In the "Customer numbers, PUIDs, or aliases" field, type in the Generic Card Number.
Select "Add as Approved"
Under "Access Plan Name" type the building you are looking for. In this case, TEL.
Select the checkbox with the appropriate plan. In this case, TEL E01 6A-6P M-F.
Select "Save"
The next screen will give you the Access Change confirmation and number.
Record this information in the log and send a follow up email to:
Info about utilizing ACT:
Adding a Door Privilege, Single Customer, Manual Entry
Revoking a Door Privilege to Single Customer Manually
General Help:
Link to Google Docs page with our key list:
Physical Building Keys:
These are located in the TEL keybox.
The are in the box in roughly alphabetical order.
Excel | ||
Card Swipe Keys:
TEL, MATH, HAAS, and LAMB swipe cards are in the file cabinet > binder
Business Hours 8 to 5pm: Greg 765-496-2456, Joe Wenzel 765-532-3624 , Greg 3624
After Business Hours: Joe Wenzel 765-607532-6324 then 3624, Todd Turner 765-496-8214After Business Hours
Escalation: Todd Turner 765-496-8214, Greg 765-607-6324 then Joe Wenzel 765-532-3624 If the on-calls do not answer, call Taylor Donald 317-340-9937. If Taylor doesn't answer, call Keith Duvall 219-448-8281
TEL - 596076 and 596077
MATH - 610620 and 561110
HAAS - 477925 and 477926 and 477931
LAMB - 596440 and 596441
Physical Building Keys:
These are located in the keybox.
The are in the box in alphabetical order.
COVID-19 Procedures
The interior door to the NOC/IOC must remained closed and locked at all times. Only IOC staff and Tier 2 networking personnel with normal workstations in this room are permitted to enter. Entry to all other individuals is to be denied.
Checking Keys
Individuals seeking keys must knock on the interior door. IOC staff should communicate with them through the window only; if there is a hearing issue of some sort, please direct the individual to the phone in the hallway and have them call 67272. Direct (face-to-face) communication should not occur.
Through the window (or over the hallway phone):
- verify the building/key being requested
- have them present a photo ID
- gather their
- Name
- Group
- Contact number
When an individual returns the key, they should knock on the door, and place the key on the nearside of the table. They should use the sanitizer spray-bottle provided to give each side of the key and tag a goodly soaking on the table. After they have left, return the (wet) key to the box. It can (and should) dry the return should be logged and the key should be placed in the lock-box. Keys should not be wiped/dried; they must be air-dried only. After handling the key, please wash (preferably) or sanitize (at minimum) your hands. This procedure is for cut keys.
Swipe cards should be treated the same way as for cut keys, with the following differencedifferences: do not put wet the cards in the appropriate envelope in the binder . Key cards should not be wiped/dried; they must be air-dried only. Allow the wet card to air-dry on (not with) a piece of paper towel before being returned to the binder.
and log the return on the hard copy as well.