There are presently 2 batch scripts. Both scripts are located on the shared drive \\\Operations\IOC\Script. IOC_Script.bat will launch applications for the dedicated monitoring PCs. IOC_Personal_Script.bat will launch applications needed for personal desktops while monitoring. If is a single batch script located in the ITCSCallCenter shared drive (O:\Tools\IOC Script\IOC_Monitoring_Script.bat). If you would like to use it please make a shortcut to this and not just copy it as changes may be made in the future. This script will launch all the necessary applications for the IOC Monitoring Environment. If you have any issues or would like a different/new configuration added email Collin at
The personal monitoring script is used to launch applications for personal monitoring. The script can be found on shared drive at \\\Operations\IOC\Script\IOC_Personal_Script.bat.
There are currently 2 options when you launch the script. Simply
How To Use The Script
When you run the script you will begin in the Main Menu with 3 options. These options are "Launch Minimum Software" which will launch the minimum IOC applications; "Launch Individual Software" which will offer a menu to launch different applications individually; and "Launch with Virtual Desktops" which will launch applications in different virtual desktops on Windows 10. If you are using this option please make sure VDesk is installed. The installer can be found in the same folder as the script. To select an option simply type the number next to the next option and press "enter to use that setting.
1) Launch All Monitoring
The first option "LAUNCH ALL MONITORING" will launch the wiki, owa email, footprints, station status, xymon, squaredup, crestron fusion, and the log. Everything except the log will launch in chrome. The log will launch in firefox.
2) Launch Some Monitoring
The second option "LAUNCH SOME MONITORING" will launch only the wiki, owa email, and footprints in chrome.
If anyone would like any additional configurations please email Collin at with your request. If you would like to add this script to your desktop please create a shortcut to the file and not copy and paste it. This will ensure that as the script is updated the latest version is always available.
The IOC Batch Script is a tool to help with the launching service monitoring applications and provide useful information. Its intended use is only for the service monitoring PCs that are logged into the oszones account. Standard operator user accounts do not have access to certain applications. The script does not change group or security policies. The script can be located in the itcr_learning_spaces network share (\\\Operations\IOC\Script).
Main Menu
When IOC_Script.bat is launched you will come to a main menu. Type the number corresponding to the Main Menu's list and press enter.
1) Launch All Software
This option will launch UC4, Struxureware, Metasys, and SquaredUp applications. It will not provide any prompts so please only use this option if all 4 need launching.
2) Launch All Software Win10
This option will launch UC4, Struxureware, Metasys, and SquaredUp applications. This option is specifically for launching these applications on a Windows 10 monitoring PC. UC4 fails to launch using option 1. It will not provide any prompts so please only use this option if all 4 need launching.
3) Launch Individual Software
This option will open another menu for selecting individual programs to launch. UC4 on windows 10 must be launched using option 2.
4) Contact Info
This section is incomplete but will eventually be filled with contact info such as on-call numbers and email addresses for our most regularly contacted groups.".
Launch Minimum Software (Option 1)
Launching option 1 will run UC4, Struxureware, Metasys, and SquaredUp in chrome.
Launch Individual Software (Option 2)
Launching option 2 will take you to a new menu titled "Software Launcher". Here there are a series of choices to launch UC4, Metasys, Struxureware, SquaredUp in chrome, Chrome Multiple Tabs ( which will open chrome with exchange, CSC Confluence page, Footprints, Xymon, SquaredUp, and the CSC Slack), The IOC log in Firefox, and finally an option to go back to the Main Menu.
Launch with Virtual Desktops
Launching Option 3 will launch UC4, Struxureware, and Metasys on virtual desktop 2 and Chrome Multiple Tabs (See Launch Option 2) as well as the Log in Firefox on virtual desktop 1. It is important that VDesk is installed when launching. If this option does not work on the machine you're using then install VDesk which can be found in the same folder as the script. It is best to wait a couple minutes before launching this option after logging in so Windows can finish its post login processes. Failing to wait may cause the script to open software in the wrong desktops and can take a long time to run everything as there are several programs being launched.