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Approved person/TC list can be found here:

Update  "For tickets asking to update the CSDS Approved Person's List, please assign to Jessica Harvey in CSDS_SCCM.  She will update the list and will assign to Cameron Ward to add/remove access to/from the TC/DCL SharePoint site."

When a customer requests the installation of software (including networked printers) on a CSDS supported computer, there are two possible options:

NOTE:  For local printers, the CSC may use admin credentials to install.

If the software is already packaged and available through SCCM:


  1. Follow steps 1-3 from above.
  2. Once the TC / DCL approves the installation of the software, assign the ticket to the ITCRITAP_CSDS_SERVREL_MGRS group in FootPrints.
  3. The Service Manager for the TC / DCL will send them a Software Request Form to determine the business need for the software. 
    • The TC / DCL will work with the customer to justify the need for the new software.
  4. The form is returned to the Service Manager.  Any discrepancies are discussed and resolved.
  5. If the Service Manager approves, the request is submitted to the Manager of IT Service Management for approval. 
    • If the requested software is an upgrade to already packaged software, it only requires approval from the Manager of IT Service Management.
    • If the requested software is new, it will need to be approved by the Associate Vice President of IT Customer Relations.
  6. Once the request is approved, it is sent back to the Service Manager.  The Service Manager recordsthe approval in the ticket.
  7. The ticket is then sent to the SCCM Administrators for packaging.
  8. The software is packaged and tested with the customer.  
  9. Once the customer approves the package, a collection is created in SCCM and marked for production.  If the ticket requires further installation, it is sent back to the CSC for deployment.