Approved person/TC list can be found here:
Update "For tickets asking to update the CSDS Approved Person's List, please assign to Jessica Harvey in CSDS_SCCM. She will update the list and will assign to Cameron Ward to add/remove access to/from the TC/DCL SharePoint site."
When a customer requests the installation of software (including networked printers) on a CSDS supported computer, there are two possible options:
NOTE: For local printers, the CSC may use admin credentials to install.
If the software is already packaged and available through SCCM:
- Follow steps 1-3 from above.
- Once the TC / DCL approves the installation of the software, assign the ticket to the ITCRITAP_CSDS_SERVREL_MGRS group in FootPrints.
- The Service Manager for the TC / DCL will send them a Software Request Form to determine the business need for the software.
- The TC / DCL will work with the customer to justify the need for the new software.
- The form is returned to the Service Manager. Any discrepancies are discussed and resolved.
- If the Service Manager approves, the request is submitted to the Manager of IT Service Management for approval.
- If the requested software is an upgrade to already packaged software, it only requires approval from the Manager of IT Service Management.
- If the requested software is new, it will need to be approved by the Associate Vice President of IT Customer Relations.
- Once the request is approved, it is sent back to the Service Manager. The Service Manager recordsthe approval in the ticket.
- The ticket is then sent to the SCCM Administrators for packaging.
- The software is packaged and tested with the customer.
- Once the customer approves the package, a collection is created in SCCM and marked for production. If the ticket requires further installation, it is sent back to the CSC for deployment.