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If editing a previous/ongoing entry and adding new information, these edits are usually separated on different lines with the edit date added in front for clarity.

If editing an entry to extend how long it appears for, all you need to do is change the end date field to a later date.

How to end/remove a calendar entry


As mentioned further above, once an event's duration has ended, the admin will need to be contacted to provide an update on the alarm/alert. For any Data Center Management (DCM) alarms, that contact happens about once a month, before the ongoing events expire. (Entries can be temporarily extended until we get a reply.) Depending on their reply, we can extend the events by another month, add/remove any requested information from specific entries, or end the events as needed.

While it may be easiest to copy and paste entries from the previous month's email, the general email format is copied below:



Subject: Follow-up about Struxureware/Siemens/Metasys/walkthrough alarms to ignore in calendar (Monitoring systems can be removed or added as necessary.)



Are the following alarms to ignore still current?


DCM Walkthru alarms to ignore:
Always ignore A31 alarm for MATH-G190-CIT-CDU-01 since it is plumbed incorrectly. Ignore A28 for MATH-G190-CDU-A PDU-3 C28 unless water is pooling in unit.  G190 CDU-F had alarm codes "w23" primary filter dirty. Ignore G190-PDU-20 alarm and dead screen.
10/3/23 - Math-g190-crac-8 has been shut off and will be removed eventually.

10/23/23 - Walkthroughs:  Math B60 CRAC-1 error message "REM SENSOR 3 FAILURE." Ignore alarm.
11/6/23 - Math B60 unit CAB 4 active alarm "Internal Comm Error." Ignore Alarm Math B60 crac-02 and 03. Both listing "general" and "WRN REM SENSOR 3 FAILURE." Ignore alarm.
11/23/23 - Fast, steady drip coming from sixth Negishi unit door (K-10). Admin disabled MATH G109 Rack K-10 Rear Door Cooling. RCAC Engineers and DCM will investigate further on Monday (11-27). - 01/08/2024

DCM - Siemens: Unack Report:
Siemens: Alerts MAP4W1, MAP4W2, MAP5CA, MAP5CAL, MAP5W1, MAP5W2 in Unack report related to MATH DC Issues.
10/19/23 - Siemens: Siemens report was not working correctly after power outage. Admin will have vendor investigate.
10/27/23 - There are currently no alarms in Siemens. However, continue to ignore all Siemens alarms as the backup chiller is offline since the campus power outage.
 - 01/08/2024

DCM - TEL/MATH Key Card Checkout:
Vertical Horizon Networks has checked out TEL key cards #596076 and #596077 and return them after work is finished in 30 days. Ron - Contractor received TEL Cards as of 06/06/2022
7/24/22 - Keycards are still missing from IOC binder - assuming these have not been returned yet.
8/26/22 - Keycards checked out by Ron and Greg until further notice, approval given by Todd.
8/14/23 - Todd took TEL Department Guest cards/MATH key cards 600083, 600084, and 600085 to be issued to contractors.
8/18/23 - 600083, 600084, and 600085 issued to Greg Piercy, Quentin Foley, and Nathan Lane respectively. - 01/08/2024

These summary statements are separated by monitoring system. Screenshots can be included for clarity. If a system has no alarms, then it can be omitted. You may also state that [insert monitoring system] has no noteworthy alarms.


TEL Key Cards #596076 and #596077 are still checked out by Ron and Greg with Vertical Horizon Networks. MATH Key Cards #600083, #600084, and #600085 are still issued to Greg Piercy, Quentin Foley, and Nathan Lane with D.A. Dodd contractors.

[insert name]
Purdue IT IOC/Service Desk Specialist
(765) 496-7272

Example replies from DCM (original text left black and edits left red as they usually appear in the email):

DCM - Strux: pfw and pnw devices: StruxureWare: new devices being added for PFW and PNW. Ignore these groups until further notice. - 12/13/2023 continue

DCM - TEL/MATH Key Card Checkout:
Vertical Horizon Networks has checked out TEL key cards #596076 and #596077 and return them after work is finished in 30 days. Ron - Contractor received TEL Cards as of 06/06/2022
7/24/22 - Keycards are still missing from IOC binder - assuming these have not been returned yet.
8/26/22 - Keycards checked out by Ron and Greg until further notice, approval given by Todd.
8/14/23 - Todd took TEL Department Guest cards/MATH key cards 600083, 600084, and 600085 to be issued to contractors.
8/18/23 - 600083, 600084, and 600085 issued to Greg Piercy, Quentin Foley, and Nathan Lane respectively. - 12/13/2023 continue

DCM - Walkthru alarms to ignore:
Always ignore A31 alarm for MATH-G190-CIT-CDU-01 since it is plumbed incorrectly. continue Ignore A28 for MATH-G190-CDU-A PDU-3 C28 unless water is pooling in unit. continue G190 CDU-F had alarm codes "w23" primary filter dirty. remove Ignore G190-PDU-20 alarm and dead screen. continue
10/3/23 - Math-g190-crac-8 has been shut off and will be removed eventually. continue
10/23/23 - Walkthroughs:  Math B60 CRAC-1 error message "REM SENSOR 3 FAILURE." Ignore alarm. continue
11/6/23 - Math B60 unit CAB 4 active alarm "Internal Comm Error." Ignore Alarm Math B60 crac-02 and 03. Both listing "general" and "WRN REM SENSOR 3 FAILURE." Ignore alarm. continue
11/23/23 - Fast, steady drip coming from sixth Negishi unit door (K-10). Admin disabled MATH G109 Rack K-10 Rear Door Cooling. RCAC Engineers and DCM will investigate further on Monday (11-27). - 12/13/2023 continue

DCM - MSYS: Module 4, 7 & 9:
Metasys: Module 9 Airstack fault value 2 - Ignore alarm.
10/03/23 - Module 7 Airstack fault value 4 - Ignore alarm.
10/06/23 - Module 4 Airstack fault value 3 - Ignore alarm. - 12/13/2023 continue

DCM - Strux: math-g109-pdu-06:
StruxureWare: The output current in phase L1 has risen above the output current high threshold of 320A Call if sensor reaches 360A.
11/4/23 - StruxureWare: Admin testing alarm parameters. Ignore alarms for math-g109-pdu-06. - 12/03/2023 remove