This is just a quickly thrown together entry to get some documentation out there.
The BitLocker Recovery tool is a hardware based utility used to prevent computer theft. Apparently research has shown that if a computer is stolen, it often experiences some sort of physical shock in the process. So the BitLocker Recovery Tool is basically a 'jostle' sensor, when tripped, it locks the computer. It can only be turned back on by use of a recovery key obtained from Active Directory.
Unfortunately, we get a lot of false positives on these sensors.
Confirm that the user is associated with Purdue.
First and foremost, get them a recovery key over the phone, see KB 180172
Second, if the sensor is getting tripped repeatedly, the ticket should be escalated to CSDS AFTER you've given them the key. It's likely the sensor has gone bad and will need replace.
Third, if the computer doesn't accept the key, the ticket should be escalated to CSDS.
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