Quick Note Contents
You will need to access and sign up for the eTranscripts website:
If you are having issues with that portal, you will need to contact the Transcripts office as they are the ones who support that portal. Their contact number is 765-494-6165. iTaP does not have any ability to make changes to the Transcript portal.
Thank you,
ITaP Customer Service Center
For Tech Support:
West Lafayette: itap@purdue.edu or (765) 494-4000, or in person at the HSSE Library or 1st Floor of WALC
IUPUI: ithelp@iu.edu or (317) 274-4357
Purdue Northwest: csc@pnw.edu or (219) 989-2888
Purdue Fort Wayne: helpdesk@pfw.edu or (260) 481-6030
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