All student employees are restricted to work 30 hours per week. All overtime must have approval from leadership.
International students are restricted to 20 hours per week, except during class breaks (fall/spring/Thanksgiving/Christmas) and summer sessions. This limit is set and enforced by Purdue University. ITaP has no input into these restrictions. Non-international students are restricted to working a maximum of 30 hours a week except during class breaks (fall/spring/Thanksgiving/Christmas) and summer sessions. During breaks and summer sessions, all students are restricted to 30 hours per week. Any time over 30 hours must have approval from leadership.
Student employees working in another department are limited to a maximum of 30 hours per week total between the two jobs. If any student works over those limits, the overtime will be split between ITaP and the other department and the student will be notified not to work in an overtime status again. If the student fails to abide by this notice, he/she will be terminated from his/her position at ITaP.
No student employee will be offered a different job within ITaP from another group after he or she has been scheduled for the current semester unless leadership consents to the arrangement. If the transfer cannot be worked out, the student employee must wait until the end of the semester before changing positions.