<font size="6">Omicron Surface Analysis Cluster</font>

iLab Name: Omicron
iLab Kiosk: BRK Metrology Core

Owner: Dmitry Zemlyanov
BRK 1077
Maximum Wafer Size: 


General Description

  • High-Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectrometer (HREELS)
  • Ultra-High Vacuum Scanning Tunneling Microscope
  • Hemispherical Electron Energy Analyzer for XPS
  • Ar Sputtering and Heating in UHV
  • Low Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED)


Numerical specifications of tool performance and abilities, either from manufacturer or those seen in operation. Also include material compatibility and incompatibility.

Technology Overview - Remove if multiple tools use the same technology/process

 Description of the science behind the process. Include figures and diagrams if applicable.


Sample Requirements and Preparation

Samples that may be used in the tool, materials that are compatible/incompatible, and the required cleaning before the tool may be used. May include both an "ideal" clean and a minimum required clean. Also include BOE/oxide removal, dehydration, or any recommended post process steps.


Standard Operating Procedure

Standard procedure for tool operation, base off established Birck SOPs.

Questions & Troubleshooting

Question about tool use or process result?
Answer to question.


Process Library

Create process template for tool, allows a user to fill in the details of their process. 


Manufacturer brocheurs, specifications, papers with relevant info on process, and presentations covering the technology. Confluence lacks a native reference feature, so these are added as links.