iLab Name: Thermo Scientific Apreo S |
<font size="6">Thermo Scientific Apreo S SEM</font> |
Include a brief description of the tool, its recommended uses, and restrictions.
The most versatile high-performance SEM. The Thermo Scientific™ Apreo scanning electron microscope's (SEM) revolutionary compound lens design combines electrostatic and magnetic immersion technology to yield unprecedented resolution and signal selection. The Apreo SEM benefits from the unique in-lens backscatter detection, which provides excellent materials contrast, even at tilt, short working distance, or on sensitive samples.
SpecificationsElectron optics
Electron Beam Resolution at optimum WD
Electron beam parameter space
Stage and sample
Samples that may be used in the tool, materials that are compatible/incompatible, and the required cleaning before the tool may be used. May include both an "ideal" clean and a minimum required clean. Also include BOE/oxide removal, dehydration, or any recommended post process steps.
Standard procedure for tool operation, base off established Birck SOPs.
QUICK GUIDE (Complete Guide in computer desktop) i Vent system (wait ~3 minutes) ii Load sample on Multipurpose Stub holder (MSH)
iii Pump system (wait ~3 minutes) iv Take Nav Cam Picture a.Zero x and y coordinates b.Stage – Take Nav-Cam Photo v Define Mode and Detector vi Watch while moving stage holder up slowly until 10mm initial Working Distance is reached
steps the Z-direction of the stage. vii Turn Beam ON
viii Find area of interest. Adjust Magnification, Focus and Link. Fix Stigmation and Alignments. ix Take Picture x Turn Beam Off xi Vent system (wait 3 minutes) xii Unload sample on Universal Standard Holder (USH). xiii Pump system (wait 3 minutes) If needed, open User Guide (Help Tab) or read Apreo Manual |
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Manufacturer References
Manufacturer References - Internal Resources