CSDS Quick Issue Templates

CSDS Quick Issue Templates

There are two quick issue templates that will now be for all tickets related to CSDS customers. The first, and more frequently used, PM.CSC CSDS Standard, needs to capture all of the following information prior to escalation:

VERIFY and document the following BEFORE escalation to ITAP_CSDS_SUPPORT:
- Building and Room # (Location field on Issue Information tab):
- Computer Name (Asset Information tab):
- Customer (Contact Information tab):
- Phone Number (Phone field on Contact Information tab):
- Description of Incident / Service Request:
- Troubleshooting Completed:
- TC Approval:
- Screenshots Attached:

DO NOT escalate any tickets to CSDS without first filling in ALL of this information. These requirements can be found in the Tech Notes once the template has been applied.

NOTE: If you are unable to populate the Asset Information tab, please document the computer name in the Tech Notes and make a note that the Asset tab did not function properly.

The next template, PM.CSC CSDS File Services, should be used for any tickets related to file permissions (Specialists only), access to a folder or network share, etc. Again, all of the following information needs to reviewed and captured in the ticket.

Things to do for all CSDS file services requests:
0. Obtain / verify TC approval
1. Determine the full path to the specified data or drive
2. Check if the path is in the KB # 177902 (based on group policy mappings)
3. Evaluate permissions on the specified folder(s)
4. Make a determination as to which groups grant the desired level of access
5. Assign permissions to user
6. List drive letter, literal path, user, and security group used to the ticket in Tech Notes before resolving the ticket
Things NOT to do for CSDS file services tickets:
1. Don’t mirror permissions from one person to another
2. Don’t add people to full control groups; escalate if requested
3. Try hard not to refer to previous tickets for providing access
How to get the path for T: drive?
- Follow up with customers to get drive path
- Follow up with a TC to get the drive letter translated to a path
- Check \\itsofs04.itap.purdue.edu\itcr_dcs_scripts\Logs for user/TC with drive mapped ( this is \\nas01.itap.purdue.edu\itcr_dcs_scripts\Logs in BoilerAD)
What to include when escalating requests:
1. Screen shot or detail of the path
2. Information on the folder requested
3. Information about the groups seen with permissions

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks everyone!