Semi-Annual Deletions Warning

Semi-Annual Deletions Warning

We just wanted to give you a heads up so you can let your staff know that this is coming.  If you have any questions about the following please be sure to let us know.

Starting tomorrow we will initiate the process of the regularly scheduled Mailhub deletions.  During this time any student, staff, affiliates and emerita that are no longer present in the data we receive will be purged from the electronic directory and from the Mailhub.

Below are the general steps:

* On September 24, 2019, we will notify "forward"  accounts that are no longer in the Registrar or HR data.

* Monday October 7, 2019 - Delete "reject" accounts that are no longer in the data.

* Starting October 7, 2019  - Delete accounts that are not present in the data.

Note: These dates may slip depending on other issues.

As listed above, the deletions occur in three parts. The first part will consist of an e-mail notification (similar to the message attached below) for all users that have their service set to "forward". During the second part, any account with their service set to "reject" will be removed from the directory. 
The third part of the deletions which will start on/after October 7th results in the deletions of the rest of the accounts. 

What will this mean for the CSC?

All mail is sent out so that the response to any questions will go to mailhub-admin@purdue.edu. This could result in several questions and people pleading to not have their @purdue.edu accounts removed.

We have always held a pretty firm line that a user's presence in the directory and access to the Mailhub are dependent on the data that is supplied to the Mailhub for faculty, staff, affiliates and students. If the information is incorrect then it is up to the individual to take the necessary steps to re-establish the flow of data from the proper source.  We will not extend accounts. There are no exceptions made to this.

As you can see from the sample mail message attached users are given the instructions they MUST follow, based on their status with Purdue, to maintain their presence in the directory. The  example below is very similar to the message that will go out.

Please notify your staff as you feel appropriate.


Justin P. Commons
Senior Messaging Administrator
Purdue University