AgIT on-call info over holidays
AgIT Google Voice number: 765-421-6232
"Below are the instructions for using the number above to contact AgIT.
For critical AgIT support issues, the CSC should call 765-421-6232. This number will ring our system administrators, Michael Wilkins and Johnny Carroll. This should be treated like a normal call from the CSC to the AgIT support team. When we answer please be sure the caller identifies themselves (90% of the calls are spam), who they are calling and why. If no one answers the CSC agent should send a message to Michal Wilkins and Johnny Carroll in Slack (or Teams) with @ their names. Tickets of this nature should be assigned to AGIT_SUPPORT_SYS_ADMINS queue after speaking to us.
Critical support issues are defined as network issues and outages at any of our County Extension Offices, District Extension Offices and Purdue Ag Centers (PACs)." - Mark Sullivan