Wireless Guide for 2550

Wireless Guide for 2550

CSDS wired/wireless connection guidelines for 2550

Please note: Wireless connections are the standard for computers in 2550

What is the standard connection expectation for a CSDS supported computer in 2550?

· Use the standard connection “PAL3.0”. “eduroam” may be used as an alternative.

· To login to a machine on the wireless network, your login profile must already exist on the computer (you need to have logged into the computer before the remote login attempt). See Establishing a wireless login profile below.

· Please DON’T set up your own access point. This will interfere with Wifi for everyone else.

Where can I plug in a CSDS computer to get a wired connection temporarily?

· As mandated by the Telephone Office, no one should plug computers into the PICs in the conference rooms.

· The following cubicles have hard-wired capability for laptops with a USB-C dock connection:

· IT-09 Dock, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse

· IT-10 Dock, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse

· IT-11 Dock, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse

· IT-12 Dock, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse

· IT-16 Dock, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse

· The 2550-1160C Training Room has a few wired connections, along with AC Adapters, available on the rear line of tables. When the room is not in use, you may use one of the available conections. Please do not unplug an ethernet cable from a machine.

Can I remote into a computer in 2550 that is on a wireless connection?

· Yes, although at this time, a login profile must already exist on the computer (you need to have logged into the computer before the remote login attempt). See Establishing a wireless login profile below.

· If you need to dedicate a machine in 2550 for an employee to regularly remote into, please contact your Technical Coordinator for more information.

Can I log into a computer in 2550 that is connecting wirelessly, if I haven’t logged in before?

· No, not currently, but CSDS staff are working on this.

Establishing a wireless login profile

The CSDS standard to ensure a successful 1st login is:

- The computer needs to be hard wired and

- The computer needs an IP address reservation for the building it is in.

- Once the user has successfully logged in and logged out (which saves their profile on that device), the user can now work on a wireless connection with that device.