Dashboard Widgets

Dashboard Widgets

Below you will find information on creating several widgets in the FootPrints dashboard that may be useful.

NOTE:  You can only configure 10 widgets for use on the dashboard at a time.

Active Issues by Status for ITPM_CSC_SPECIALISTS

Active Issues by Status for ITPM_CSC_REPRESENTATIVES

Active Issues by Team

Global Issues

Dispatch - Priority, Date Submitted, Last Edit Date, Saved Search, Records to display = 10

Specialist Unassigned Queue

Representative Unassigned Queue

Pending Tickets Older Than 24 Hours

Reply Received Longer Than 24 Hours

Incident SLA

Service Request SLA

  1. Click Advanced

  2. On the Issue Criteria tab:
    1. In the Assigned to box, select the CSC teams.
    2. In the Status box, select the following:
      • Open
      • Assigned
      • Reply Received
      • Pending
      • Request
    3. For Schedule Date, select Exact > before > current date

  3. Click on the Advanced Criteria tab.  Then at the bottom of the page in Sort Results By, select the following:
    • Last Edit Date

  4. Click the Save/Run tab.  Enter a search name, such as "BREACH - Service Requests" and click GO.

Now that the search has been saved, it can be added to the dashboard on your FootPrints homepage.  This can be done by:

  1. Click Preferences.

  2. Click the Homepage tab.
  3. Under the Available Components select Saved Search.
  4. Settings for Saved Search should be:
    • Searches - The saved search that you just created
    • Records to display - 10

  5. Click Add Component.
  6. Enter your password and click save.
  7. The saved search will now display on your FootPrints homepage dashboard.

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