The red binder for this plan can be found on top of the IOC's filing cabinet. As well as the Event Management binder.
Building Evacuations
In the case of a building evacuation due to fire, safety concern, or other incident, the below guidelines should be followed to insure a safe response.
LEVEL 3 (less than one hour) - Short term evacuations, fire drills, severe weather, etc.
1. Log out of all phones; if you currently on a call, please explain to the customer that emergency circumstances have forced you to have to evacuate the building.
2. TEL 115
a. Evacuate TEL 115. (TEL 115 is located in the middle of building. Use East or West exit depending on which was is clear.
3. Go to Primary location: Parking Lot south if the building; Secondary Location: Beering Hall, Main Lobby; if that area is deemed to be unsafe, proceed to a different location as indicated by the Management team or emergency personnel.
4. Account for all CSC staff; remain in one group.
5. After leaving, call the CSC (49-4000) to inform them of the evacuation.
6. Secondary or someone in CSC Stew G68 will need to takeover monitoring the IOC.
7. If the Service Desk Manager is not in the CSC, notify them immediately using the Emergency Contact Information listed on page 12. If they are not available, please follow up with one of the backup contacts.
8. Once it is safe to re-enter TEL, re-open the IOC and resume normal operations as quickly as possible. Listen to all voicemails and contact the admins to let them know normal monitoring will resume.
9. If there is any damage to the TEL/IOC, report it to the Management team immediately.
LEVEL 2 (less than one day) - Mid-length evacuations, localized room fire, etc.
1. Log out of all phones; if you currently on a call, please explain to the customer that emergency circumstances have forced you to have to evacuate the building.
2. Go to Primary location: Parking Lot south if the building; Secondary Location: Beering Hall, Main Lobby; if that area is deemed to be unsafe, proceed to a different location as indicated by the Management team or emergency personnel.
3. Account for all IOC staff; remain in one group.
4. After leaving, call CSC in STEW (49-4000) to inform them of the evacuation and that the secondary or other appointed person start monitoring IOC from STEW g68.
5. If the Service Desk Manager is not in the CSC, notify them immediately using the Emergency Contact Information. If they are not available, please follow up with one of the backup contacts.
6. If IOC/TEL will be closed for an extended time, contact the next shift scheduled later that day and inform them where to meet, or to stay by their phone “on call” in case the IOC/TEL re-opens.
7. Once accounted for go to STEW G68 for rest of shift or until it is safe to enter TEL again.
8. Once it is safe to re-enter TEL, re-open the IOC and resume normal operations as quickly as possible. Listen to all voicemails and contact the admins.
9. Call the next shift for IOC and let them know it is ok to go to TEL.
10. If there is any damage to the IOC, report it to the Management team immediately.
LEVEL 1 (more than one day) - Long-length evacuations, building fire, environmental hazard etc.
1. Log out of all phones; if you currently on a call, please explain to the customer that emergency circumstances have forced you to have to evacuate the building.
2. Go to Primary location: Parking Lot south if the building; Secondary Location: Beering Hall, Main Lobby; if that area is deemed to be unsafe, proceed to a different location as indicated by the Management team or emergency personnel.
3. Account for all IOC staff; remain in one group.
4. After leaving, call STEW G68 (49-4000) to inform them of that the secondary or other appointed person start monitoring IOC from STEW g68.
5. If the Service Desk Manager is not in the CSC, notify them immediately using the Emergency Contact Information. If they are not available, please follow up with one of the backup contacts.
6. If TEL will be closed for an extended time, contact the next shift scheduled later that day and inform them where to meet, or to stay by their phone “on call” in case the IOC/TEL re-opens.
7. Once accounted for go to STEW G68 for rest of shift or until it is safe to enter TEL again.
8. If TEL is unavailable for multiple days IOC may need to be relocated. Coordinate with the Telephone Office/Data Networks.
9. Coordinate equipment moves to ensure computers are available for IOC staff use at the remote location.
10. Once it is safe to re-enter TEL, re-open the IOC and resume normal operations as quickly as possible. Listen to all voicemails and contact the admins.
If there is any damage to the IOC/TEL equipment, report it to the Management team immediately.
Emergency Procedures
If you have an emergency situation in an office (for example, someone faints or is severely injured, a fight breaks out, or someone threatens you), you should notify the police by calling 911. You should then inform a member of the Management team that you have called the police and what the situation was that caused you to call the police. Even if you do not notify the police in such a situation you should inform a member of the Management team of the situation so that they are aware of these occurrences in the IOC/TEL.
If you ever have a situation in the office that makes you uncomfortable but you are not sure if you should call 911, contact a member of the Management team for advice.
You can also view the Purdue emergency procedures online at:
Power Outage
In the event of a power outage, follow the guidelines below.
1. Staff should remain in TEL 115
2. Use the emergency flashlights for lighting. TEL has a backup generator that should kick on and restore power.
3. The phones will continue to function; they should be answered as normal. If not, we do have a landline to use. 765-496-7777. This can be used for a phone bridge during an outage.
a. Record customer contact information on paper. (Admin contacts)
b. Inform customers that questions requiring advanced troubleshooting or dispatch to a support partner may be delayed due to the power outage. Same for admins.
4. If the Service Desk Manager is not in the CSC/IOC, notify them immediately using the Emergency Contact Information. If they are not available, please follow up with one of the backup contacts.
5. If the outage lasts long enough that emergency lighting fails, or other safety factors force the evacuation of TEL/IOC, follow the instructions for the appropriate LEVEL of building evacuation on pages 2-6.
In case of fire, clear the office(s) of all people, close and lock the office door(s), and exit the building. Call the fire department (911) from a phone in a different building if they have not been called already.
Fire extinguishers are located in the following places in the IOC/TEL. These are specialized to their locations so please do not move them.
• Main Hallway of Tel next to room 119.
A tornado watch is issued when conditions are favorable for tornado formation. Be aware that there is a possibility of tornadoes and severe thunderstorms. Listen to a radio or television and watch and listen for tornadoes. Weather info can also be found online. If a tornado warning has been issued for campus, move to the lowest level possible away from exterior doors and windows. Seek more information on storm conditions from National Weather Service weather radio or application on.
A tornado warning is issued when a tornado has been sighted or detected and may be approaching. Take shelter immediately (see “When Taking Shelter” below).
Warning Signals
• Outdoor sirens will sound for a period in excess of two minutes.
• A voice message will be broadcast over WBAA, the University television antenna system and other local radio and television stations.
The ALL CLEAR signal is announced by radio and television stations. The sirens remain silent.
When taking shelter inside a reinforced concrete building (as are most campus buildings), evacuate the top floors and stay away from windows and other glass areas. Avoid auditoriums, gymnasiums, and other areas with wide span roofs, as well as wood framed buildings. If time does not allow you to get inside, lie flat in the nearest depression, ditch, or ravine.
When Taking Shelter
When a tornado threatens the TEL building, occupants should relocate to
the TEL basement or the bottom of the basement stairwell. Also the bathroom in TEL 115 is acceptable for quick route and low amount of people.
When leaving your work area, take access (ID) card, keys, cell phone. You may also grab the CSC/IOC laptop if time but human life overrides this part.
If not with you – DO NOT return for any of these items.
Severe Thunderstorms
The National Weather Service issues severe thunderstorm watches and warnings. Remember that tornadoes are spawned from severe thunderstorms.
Siren Testing
The “Tornado Warning” sirens are tested at 11:00am on the first Saturday of every month except on days of Purdue Home Football Games and during periods of adverse weather conditions.
Emergency Contacts List
Building Manager/Deputy: Daniel Pierce 765-496-6562
Facility Manager: Todd Turner 765-404-3378
Dan Rhine (Service Desk Manager) Office: 49-43808, Cell: 765-427-2947
Jenn Murray (Service Desk Supervisor) Cell: 765-242-4604
Sean McLane (Service Desk Supervisor) Cell: 765-412-9764
Non-emergency Contact Numbers:
Purdue Fire Department: (PUFD) 494-6919
Purdue Police Department: (PUPD) 494-8221
Radiological and Environmental Management: 494-6371
Physical Facilities Services: 494-9999
Emergency Preparedness Office: 494-0446
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