Everyone who uses the office should take responsibility for keeping it clean.
Common sense items:
- If you spill something, clean it up.
- If your sandwich makes crumbs, clean them up.
- If you notice smudges on the monitor you are using, don’t just switch to another computer, clean your monitor with the monitor wipes in the office.
- If you read the Exponent, don’t leave it lying on the desks when you’re finished. Recycle it in the box provided.
- If you use a pen, put it back in one of our office organizers.
Weekend Team Cleaning
Even if everyone is very conscientious and cleans after themselves regularly, there will be a slow build-up of clutter over time. So, the weekend staff will each week give the office some deeper cleaning. Team cleaning includes:
- Removing clutter from office desks.
- Throwing away paper, plastic, staples etc.
- Putting pens, paper clips, etc. in their appropriate containers.
- Consolidating “office supplies” in a few areas (not spread out everywhere).
- Wiping down surface areas to clean off spills, dirt spots, etc.
- Making sure cables under work stations are straightened.
- Consulting with the Manager about any random piles of things that are in the office.
- Breaking down cardboard boxes and throwing them out.
- Cleaning, sweeping, vacuuming and mopping the floor.
- Recording and cleaning the white boards.
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