The CSC phone system uses the Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) system for all phone calls. There are several features to this system including: processing calls on a first-in, first-out basis; distributing calls among available telephones; recording the number of phone calls placed to and from the CSC phones; status monitoring by any other phones on the ACD system. In order to use the features of this system, each phone to be used must be logged into the system. This is handled by each Specialist having a unique Agent ID.
Your ID will be given to you by the CSC Manager. The phones should be staffed by Specialists at all times between 7:00am and 5:00pm and by Representatives …
ACD stands for Automatic Caller Distribution. This system takes the calls that come in, and sends them to the agent (that’s you) who has been off the phone for the longest time. If all agents are busy, the caller will be placed in a “queue” and will hear messages that tell them their call will be taken in the order it was received. When an agent finishes a call, the LCD indicator next to “Not Ready” will flash for five seconds, giving the agent a chance to write down notes, stretch his/her fingers, and get ready for the next call. The next call in the queue, if there is one, will then ring through at the agent’s phone.
If all agents are logged off, callers will hear a different message stating that the office is closed for the day and open again the next morning. It is very important that at least one person be logged in during the hours of operation for the office. If you must step away from your phone for a minute, press the “Not Ready” key. Please be sure that someone else is available to take calls. If all agents have the “Not Ready” key indicator on, calls will stack up in the queue.
If you need to call out from an ACD phone, you must do so from the “personal number” for the phone. This line is connected to the numbered line on the left side of the phone display. To call out, press that button and dial the number you wish to call.
At the end of the day, the last agent logged into a phone will be unable to log out until all the calls are cleared from the queue. There should be very few calls at closing time, so this should not be a problem. You need to make sure that all the calls are answered before you log out.
ACD Phone Instructions
Logging into the Phone (phone on receiver, using traditional headset)
- The LCD indicator next to “Make Busy” must be solid, and not flashing (if it is flashing press the Make Busy button once).
- Press the button next to the incoming line. Enter your four-digit numeric ID (xxxx) into the keypad.
- Press the “Not Ready” key. No LCD indicators should be on at this time. You are now logged in to the ACD phone system and are able to receive calls.
Logging into the Phone (using hands free headset)
It is encouraged that you use a hands-free headset while answering calls in the CSC. It limits background noise customers hear, and allows Specialists to more comfortably carry on conversations.
Putting a caller on Hold
At times, you may wish to consult with your coworkers or manager about a particular caller’s problem. To put a caller on hold, first ask the caller if you can put them on hold. If they say yes, press the Hold button and the caller will no longer be able to hear your conversation. When you are ready to speak to the customer again, press the In-Calls button.
Transferring Calls
When you need to transfer a call to another party, inform the party that you are going to transfer them, press the Transfer button, dial the number you want to transfer to, the other party should pick up, you will hear them, press Connect, and then press the Goodbye button when the original caller and destination party have begun their conversation.
Ending a Call
When you need to hang up the phone at the end of a call, simply press the Goodbye button. If you are using the traditional headset (not hands-free) try to avoid placing the headset back on the receiver. While this will work, pressing the Goodbye button will disconnect the call more cleanly. This lets the customer hear almost no noise at the end of the call instead of hearing the loud noise of the phone hitting the receiver.
Logging Out
Press the Make Busy key twice, the Make Busy LCD indicator should be flashing, you are now logged out
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