If you've already enabled your Boilerkey Self-Recovery Tool on the Boilerkey home page:
You'll want to head to the Boilerkey homepage, www.purdue.edu/boilerkey , you should be able to log in by clicking the "Issues with your BoilerKey?" link below the login prompt, and follow the directions on-screen. IF you are told to contact ITaP, then your Self-Recovery Tool hasn't been set up yet, see directions below. Once you're on the Boilerkey homepage, click "Manage my Duo Mobile BoilerKeys" to remove the previous mobile device from your account. You'll also want to make sure to remove any broken Boilerkeys that may have been transferred to your new device. Open Duo Mobile on your new device, if you see "Purdue University" listed anywhere with "reconnect" just remove it, it's broken and will just muddle up the rest of the process. Once you're back to a blank slate, on the Boilerkey homepage, click "Set up a new Duo Mobile BoilerKey (start here, if you have a smartphone)" and follow all the way through to "Step 6 of 6" to enable Boilerkey credentials for your device.
If you HAVEN'T already enabled your Boilerkey Self-Recovery Tool on the Boilerkey home page: The ITaP Customer Service Center is not open 24/7, so to maintain your ability to log in, please "Enable BoilerKey Self-Recovery via text messaging (e.g., you have a new phone, you need a new physical token)" on the Boilerkey homepage at earliest convenience, www.purdue.edu/boilerkey In the meantime, please call into our ITaP Customer Support Center at (765) |