Go to
Download and install the program when prompted. (Installing the tool will require your DADMIN credentials.)
The default location for the tool to be installed is C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\.
Once installed, double-clicking the program will open and run it.
NOTE: For ease of access, you may want to pin the program to your Start menu or task bar.
Using the Lockout Tool
Searching for the user's name and clicking 'OK' will run a search for the listed criteria, including bad password attempts, when it was last set, and the user's account's state.
NOTE: It can take up to 30+ seconds for a user's account to be fully loaded and displayed in the tool.
Push and install CSDS Microsoft Remote Server Admin Tool Win10, located within CSDS Applications - Install.
- Run the machine's Configuration Manager Action cycles within its Control Panel to push the Remote Server Admin Tool to the machine, if necessary; most notably, the Machine Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycle.
Using ADUC
Hold down the "Shift" key and right-click on the Start menu entry for Active Directory Users and Computers and select "Run as a different user".
NOTE: Alternatively, pin ADUC to your taskbar, shift-right-click and select "Run as a different user" if the Start menu option does not work.
Sign in with your OnePurdue secure credentials.
On first time use of ADUC:
Click Action, then Change Domain.
Change the domain to read central.purdue.lcl. Click Save this domain setting for the current console, and then click OK.
Either right-click on central.purdue.lcl and click "Find" or click the magnifying glass icon to bring up the search window for Active Directory.