Who provides desktop/laptop support to Purdue's computers? KB 176239
All ITaP lab and Technology In the Classroom (TIC) site issues are handled by ITaP's Learning Spaces area.
A list of Technology In the Classroom locations can be found here: https://www.itap.purdue.edu/facilities/classrooms/locations/index.html
A list of ITaP labs can be found here: https://www.itap.purdue.edu/facilities/instructionallabs/
Both Learning Spaces and Cooperative Services Desktop Support (CSDS) may be contacted through the ITaP Customer Service Center at (765) 494-4000, itap@purdue.edu, or stop into Stewart Center in the HSSE library.
NOTE: Below is the contact information for other IT support areas.
Phone: (765) 494-8333 or (888) 226-2438.
Web: Agriculture Information
Athletics IT
Phone: (765) 496-6261 - This phone number links to a Nursing professor, unlikely correct
E-mail: athlsup@purdue.edu Cannot find this email
Phone: 765-496-6259 Kevin Haas' direct line, Athletics Information System Specialist
Email: haas32@purdue.edu
Web: http://www.purduesports.com/school-bio/pur-athdirectory.html
College of Health & Human Sciences (HHSIT)
Phone: (765) 496-2896.
E-mail: hhshelp@purdue.edu
Web: https://www.purdue.edu/hhs/IT/index.php
Phone: (765) 494-4326.
Email: webmaster@ecn.purdue.edu
Web: https://engineering.purdue.edu/ECN/AboutUs/ContactUs
Phone: (765) 494-7955.
E-mail: kcchelp@purdue.edu
Web: Krannert Information
Location: KRAN 727.
Phone: (765) 496-6333.
E-mail: ithelp@purdue.edu
Web: Liberal Arts Information
Libraries IT (ITD)
Phone: (765) 494-2857.
E-mail: custserv@purdue.edu
Web: https://www.cla.purdue.edu/faculty-staff/it/index.html
Location: BRNG 3268
College of Pharmacy IT (PharmIT)
Phone: (765) 494-1361 - This is a general line, the website below lists many individuals that handle specific issues
Email: See website
Web: https://www.pharmacy.purdue.edu/techsupport
Room: RHPH 153
Sciences IT (SciIT)
Phone: 765-494-4488
E-mail: sciencehelp@purdue.edu
Web: https://www.purdue.edu/science/scienceit/contact_us.html
Technology Computer Network (TCN)
Phone: (765) 494-8782.
E-mail: techsupport@purdue.edu
Web: Technology Information
Location: KNOY 295.
Purdue Veterinary Medicine Information Technology (PVMIT)
Phone: (765) 494-1153.
Email: pvmit@purdue.edu
Web: Veterinary Information
Location: LYNN G226.
Not actually an IT team, however... good thing to be aware of.
This is run through Libraries (not Libraries IT), they have the ability to check out / rent / loan Camera equipment here
They're in WALC 3007 and are reachable via engsclib@purdue.edu (no phone number though)
Please refer to the following for additional help
Who can fix my broken printer?
Who can push/install software onto my machine?
How do I get access to a printer?
If none of these options work, you will need to contact your local tech support for further information.