CSC Specialist Training Wheel
I'm trying to organize a repository of different links, documents and all those sorts of things that specialists new on the job are going to need. Maybe it's just going to be used as a checklist as you're training someone new? Maybe, it's just going to be a place for new specialists to some self lead training. This is likely going to be a bigger feature post-COVID, and especially if the CSC transitions to working from home indefinitely. Hopefully it will also serve as a cheat sheet, or quick reference guide when you need a quick answer on something you've forgotten.
Why "Training Wheel"? Yeah, it's stupid, but "The CSC Specialist Training documentation" is super generic, and may be hard to track down. But when you actually give something a name, it's a lot easier to communicate about, reference, and refer people to.
Guide Standards
A couple things I'm going to try to standardize here,
Tool Configuration Guide - These are going to be step-by-step guides on how to setup and configure a tool you'll be using yourself on the job
Common Incident Guide - While the technical issues that we encounter change daily, there's about 12 or so that remain constant. I want to get them all documented fully.
Common Service Request Guide - While the services that we offer can change over time, there's about 10 or so that remain constant. I want to get them all documented fully.
Scripts - Literally what it says, here's what you need to say to a user, word for word until you can develop your own rhythm on this particular thing.
Quick Customer Notes - The less typing you have to do for each ticket, the faster you can get through them, use these to load out your bat spec "utility belt."
Frequent Incident Fix Guides
Outlook - Building a new mail profile
Office - Running an office repair
SCCM - Restarting a failed install (CSDS Only)
Frequent Service Request Guides
Boilerkey - Initial Setup
Boilerkey - New authenticator phone/device
Email - Initial Setup
TC Approval Process - Technical Coordinator Contact & Approval
Shared Drive - Access to Shared Drive Request
Tool Configuration Guides
Footprints - Configuring your saved searches
Footprints - Configuring your layout
Footprints - Generic Customer Notes
Using VNC to monitor the ITaP CSC Wallboard
Remoting into a Purdue Computer
Jabber setup and Configuration
Task Specific Guides
Configuration Manager Remote Control - "Remoting in"