iLab Name: Blue M Furnace
iLab Kiosk: BRK Furnace Core
FIC: Shared
Owner: WIl Arnett
Location: Cleanroom - R Bay
Maximum Wafer Size: 2"/50 mm
General Description
A table-top general purpose furnacefor inert and forming gas ambient conditions. Ramps to 1100C.
- Four process gases, N2, Ar, O2, and Forming Gas.
- Capable of temperatures up to 1100°C (single temperature zone)
- Samples lay horizontally on a quartz plate boat.
- The quartz tube is 3" in diameter.
Technology Overview
Sample Requirements and Preparation
If possible, samples should be Piranha cleaned for 10 minutes. If this is not possible due to material incompatibility, a TAI Solvent clean followed by a mandatory DI water rinse step is permissible.
Standard Operating Procedure
Questions & Troubleshooting
Process Library