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How to watch videos To watch videos, Purdue users will need to click the video link and then login to their Microsoft Account. There is no need to login to Confluence. |
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Notes on using the SOP:
Videos are for demonstration and learning assistance purposes but are not frequently updated.
You must refer to the text of the SOP for full, proper, up-to-date information on operation, information, and important considerations.
If there is a conflict between the content in the videos and the SOP text, the SOP text should be followed.
Text in the SOP is somewhat color coded to assist the reader:
"Normal" text is black (or grey, in dark mode)
Important reminders and the names of buttons to press are in bold
⛔ Safety, points of potential tool damage, or critical reminders are red with the “no entry” sign
emoji to the left.
Background informational notes are purple.
Use the drop down menus to get more information on each step of the SOP.
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0 Software Update Notes - 20221215
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These changes have not yet been updated in the SOP, I will integrate them as soon as I'm able. |
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Questions on the materials? Send a Teams chat to Justin and Bill 2 Intro to the JEOL JBX-8100FS Presentation 3 Hardware Overview Video (8 mins) 4 Hardware Behind the Scenes Video (6 mins, Background Info) (⛔ Do not interact with anything you see in this video) 5 Hardware Detail Presentation 6 Jbxwriter (Software) Overview Video (54 mins) 7 Jbxwriter (Software) Detail Presentation 8 Watch and Skim Read SOP Section: 2 Data Preparation (45 mins). Do not worry about reading the text in the Beamer sections in detail at this point, it will later be useful as a step by step when you have the software open. Do watch the Tracer videos as background information. 9 Watch and Skim Read SOP Section: 3 Machine Operation 10 Read SOP Section: 5 Frequently Asked Questions 11 Review: Review all previous material as necessary until you feel comfortable with the flow of the operation of the system. 12 Preliminary User Test: Download and fill out the 8100 Preliminary User Quiz - User Copy.docx (this may be done while you complete the previous steps). Once finished, submit your quiz in the iLab JEOL JBX-8100FS E-Beam Writer Training Request for Step 2: Preliminary User Quiz. |
Create a layout in GDS or OAS formats (can also be others) using something like KLayout, LayoutEditor, L-Edit, or GdsPy.
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Have a layout in GDS, OAS, DXF, CIF, etc (OAS is far superior to other other formats but it is underutilized). These can be created with a variety of programs:
Use 8100calculator.xlsx to help determine your Shot Pitch and other write parameters.
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The 8100calculator.xlsx file is meant to help you select your current, shot pitch, beam step size, ensure your required clock speed is under the maximum clock speed of the tool, and estimate the write time of your pattern. 8100 Calculator video notes - Since the video was recorded, the file has been updated to:
Video 2.2: 8100calculator.xlsx
If performing PEC on a new materials stack, use Tracer to export a PSF for import into Beamer. Tracer is available on the PC next to the JEOL itself.
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Tracer can optionally be used to create a point spread function of your exposure for use in Beamer with Proximity Effect Correction. This is not mandatory, but is a good idea when you're starting out to get a feel for scattering and start using PEC on your patterns. You will have a much easier time finding doses when your patterns change if you have been using PEC and know the base dose for your patterns/substrate/etc. If you're interested in learning about advanced PEC, refer to the Genisys Beamer PEC Webinars. |
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We use Genisys Beamer to convert files from standard formats (GDS, OAS, etc.) into a format that can be understood by the 8100. Beamer is incredibly powerful, and the steps below just scratch the surface of what it's capable of. A video of simple V30 conversion can be seen in the 3.7 VisualJob (Beamer) and Magazine File section. A more extensive video will be added in the section in the future. Convert your layout file into a V30 file (converted design usable by the JEOL) with Beamer. This is just an example of a beginner's flow.
2.5 Beamer - VisualJob creation of SDF and JDF files
Setup write parameters for the particular V30 file(s) to be written (Substrate → Global Mark → Layers → Arrays → Data to Place). Save, then Generate Jobdeck to make JDF and SDF files.
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A video of simple visual-Job use for both aligned and unaligned writes can be seen in the 3.7 VisualJob (Beamer) and Magazine File section. A more extensive video will be added in the section in the future.
Enable the JBX-8100FS in the BRK Lithography Core iLab Kiosk
Bring up the jbxwriter software. It may be minimized or on a different desktop tab (check the boxes in the lower right).
Check if a cassette is already on the stage, or if one is in the load lock. Proceed accordingly.
Check the set condition file; change the if necessary (Ensure Restore and DEMAG are checked)
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Video 3.1: Starting
3.2.1 General Cassette Reminders
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Video 3.2.1: Cassette Reminders
3.2.2 Wafer Cassette Mounting
Load wafer into cassette, ensuring wafer is flat and well aligned
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Video 3.2.2: Wafer Cassette Mounting
Use correct spacer ring and ensure clips won’t block height laser
Mount sample
Adjust rotation as necessary (<1 degree for aligned writes, ideally <0.2 degrees, use 8100calculator.xlsx and verniers for easy fine adjustment).
Find chip edges/alignment marks with microscope.
Record location of chip center (unaligned write) or P mark (aligned write).
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Video 3.2.3a: UPDATE - Better 0/0 Reference: Lower Left Zero Landmark Video 3.2.3b: Alignment Microscope Overview Video 3.2.3c: Piece Cassette Use Note: This video describes the previous method of mounting, which required the center screw be visible to the alignment microscope. A better, newer improved method uses the Lower Left Zero Landmark as described in the video above. Using the Lower Left Zero Landmark, the center screw does not need to be visible to the microscope. You may still use the old method, but the new method is better in every way.
Open Exchange Chamber Access door. At load lock, ensure "Cassette on stage" LED is off, then EVAC/VENT.
Open LL, place cassette into pouch, insert pouch into LL, then LOAD/UNLOAD. Close door.
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Video 3.3a: Loading - Load Lock View Video 3.3b: Loading - Jbxwriter View
In jbxwriter, set cassette in Cassette Type… button in Stage Control tab
Once cassette is loaded, go to sample center or P mark, check sample height with HEI button.
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Video 3.4a: Height Detection - Basic Video 3.4b: Height Detection - Advanced
In the Calibration Page, Material Corr. tab, click Load button, load 0_currentnA.mcorrprm. In the Beam Drift sub-tab, click Set BE Mark, then Execute, then LR Update, then LR Save.
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Video 3.5.1: Unaligned Material Corrections
3.5.2 Aligned Exposure Material Corrections
Find the P Mark with the SEM
Register the Substrate position in UsrMayRegist: P Mark.
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Overview Mark detection can be complicated, and the software allows you to do many things that our users do not typically need to do. If you have questions about more advanced mark detection, contact The following sections assume you have 4 global marks, all of which have the same width and length (though P may be longer with no changes to the procedure necessary) and either have 4 physical chip marks, or are using the global marks as chip marks, or are using virtual marks. See the Run Card Supplements for suggestions for robust example marks and mark parameters. There may be good reasons to use other values, these only serve as a robust starting point. Video Find P Mark
| Load your MCORRPRM file
Load previously created MCORRPRM file, or create a new one. If creating, load 0_currentnA.mcorrprm, save as alias_YYYYMMDD_currentnA_windowID_markpattern.mpcorrprm
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Video Load MCORRPRM File
| Determine the P Mark Offset and Update Global Mark Detection Offset
Move to P Mark Design Position, select UsrMayRegist: P Mark, select Relative, type Target X/Y into Offset in the Global Mark Detection sub-tab, press LR Save, select back to Absolute.
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Video Determine P Mark Offset
Go to the Global Mark Detection sub-tab
Check only Global Mark Detection.
Set Global Mark Parameters: Material Type/Size/Window; Check Height Measurement; Enter P/Q/R/S design positions; Semiauto; 1 degree; press LR Save.
Setup for AGC: Check AGC, uncheck Q, R, S.
Set P Rough RG Detect Conditions: Scan Position X/Y = Scan Width X/Y = 3 * Wg, rest from 4.7 Example RG Detect Condition. Applies to another subprogram..., Mark Type All select, Subprogram that can be set, close, OK. Execute.
Once AGC completes: All select, OK.
Set P Fine RG Detect Conditions: Scan Position X/Y = 50% Lg, Scan Width X/Y = 3 * Wg, Applies to another subprogram..., Mark Type All select, deselect P rough, deselect Q rough, Subprogram that can be set, close, OK.
Set Q Rough RG Detect Conditions: Scan Position X/Y = 3 * Wg, Scan Width X/Y = 25 * Wg, OK.
Setup to run Global Mark Detection: Uncheck AGC, recheck Q, R, S. Press LR Save, Save MCORRPRM.
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Video AGC and Setup MCORRPRM
Go to the Global Mark subtab, ensure only the the Global Mark Detection check box is checked.
Click the Execute button.
If a mark isn't found: Continue, use SEM and move stage to unfound mark centers, OK.
If necessary, adjust scan position/scan widths to find all marks automatically. When successful, press LR Save, Save MCORRPRM.
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Video Global Mark Detection Video Potential Issues in Global Mark Detection
AGC unchecked, 4, Check Height Detection, Set design M1/M2/M3/M4 position, enter a design chip center X/Y.
RG Detect Conditions: Scan Tab: Scan Position X/Y = 40%*Lc, Scan Width X/Y = 3*Wc. Scan Type tab: Mark Width = Wc, Mark Length = Lc. Retry tab: 10, 0.5µm, 0.5µm. OK.
Execute. Adjust scan position/width if failing. When successful, Press LR Save, Save MCORRPRM.
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Video Chip Mark Detection
If using Global Marks but virtual chip marks. Global Mark sub-tab, P Fine RG Detect Condition, Applies to another subprogram..., select Drift (fine), Subprogram that can be set, close, OK.
ORIf using Global Marks AND physical Chip Marks. Chip Mark sub-tab, RG Detect Condition, Applies to another subprogram..., select Drift (fine), Subprogram that can be set, close, OK.
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Video Aligned Beam Drift
15 to 40 minutes after changing currents, go to Batch tab.
Ensure DAILYCAL is loaded, with list on right of: Beam Current Measurement, AE Mark Detection, AE Mark Detection, Static Focus Correction, BE Mark Detection, BE Mark Detection, Main DEF Correction, Sub DEF Correction, Distor Correction, Save.
Execute DAILYCAL batch calibration file.
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Video 3.6: Run DAILYCAL
If not done before, while JOBCAL runs (or whenever), on Beamer PC, launch Beamer and run visual-Job as described in Data Prep - 5: Beamer- VisualJob above.
Use USB stick to transfer all relevant JDF, SDF, and V30 files from Beamer PC F:/alias/thisexposure folder to Linux PC within job/user/alias/thisexposure.
Within job/user/alias/thisexposure, open (display) SDF text file, update Offset to Global Mark Detection Offset. or measured chip center in alignment microscope, Save, close text editor.
Launch SCHD GUI (SCHD Purple Square), drag SDF, compile job, ensure no errors, close.
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Video 3.7.1: v30 Video 3.7.2a: VisualJob Unaligned Video 3.7.2b: VisualJob Aligned Video 3.7.3: Copy Files from Beamer PC Video 3.7.4: Make Magazine File
3.8 Expose
In jbxwriter Exposure page, remove any magazine files in Queue, open your MGN(s), Start Exposure.
Watch to ensure exposure completes DIRE20 and mark detection (if doing an aligned write), and exposure of pattern begins.
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Video 3.8a: Unaligned Exposure Video 3.8b: Aligned Exposure
Ensure cassette is at origin (Stage Coordinate System ~100/100). Cassette should move here automatically after a successful exposure.
Open Exchange Chamber Access Door. At LL, ensure LOAD/UNLOAD button is green and all 3 side LEDs are lit, hold LOAD/UNLOAD to unload cassette to LL and automatically vent LL.
Open LL, remove cassette from pouch, insert pouch into LL, hit the EVAC/VENT button. Close door.
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Video 3.9a: Unloading - Load Lock View Video 3.9b: Unloading - Jbxwriter View
3.10 Finishing
Load current for next user, if they have indicated a current in iLab.
Dismount your sample(s) from cassette, place cassette back in plastic box.
Ensure the height rings are properly arranged.
Close Beamer, log out of Beamer PC.
Disable 8100 in iLab Kiosk
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Video 3.10: Finishing
4 Supplements
4.1 Cassette Window Identifiers
Program | jbxwriter | jbxwriter | visualJob | jobmaker | ||
Cassette Identifier | Cassette Type | Type / Size / Window | Type / Window | Cassette Name | ||
Location | “Cassette Type” Button | Material Coor. Window | Substrate | Job Settings Window | ||
Cassette | ||||||
3” Wafer | Multi Wafer 3A | Wafer / 3.0 / 3A | MULTI / 3A/W | 3multi A | ||
Piece Holder - 3” | Multi Wafer 3G | Wafer / 3.0 / 3G | MULTI / 3G/W | Piece3 | ||
Piece Holder - 2” A | Multi Wafer 2A | Wafer / 2.0 / 2A | MULTI / 2A/W | Piece2 A | ||
Piece Holder - 2” B | Multi Wafer 2B | Wafer / 2.0 / 2B | MULTI / 2B/W | Piece2 B | ||
4” Wafer | Wafer 4.0 | Wafer / 4.0 / None | WAFER / 4 | 100mm Wafer | ||
6” Wafer | Wafer 6.0 | Wafer / 6.0 / None | WAFER / 6 | 150mm Wafer |
Cassette Identifier
Cassette Type
Type / Size / Window
Type / Window
Cassette Name
"Cassette Type" Button
Material Coor. Window
Job Settings Window
3" Wafer
Multi Wafer 3A
Wafer / 3.0 / 3A
3multi A
Piece Holder - 3"
Multi Wafer 3G
Wafer / 3.0 / 3G
Piece Holder - 2" A
Multi Wafer 2A
Wafer / 2.0 / 2A
Piece2 A
Piece Holder - 2" B
Multi Wafer 2B
Wafer / 2.0 / 2B
Piece2 B
4" Wafer
Wafer 4.0
Wafer / 4.0 / None
100mm wafer
6" Wafer
Wafer 6.0
Wafer / 6.0 / None
150mm wafer
4.2 Example SEM Values
Contrast Multiplier
2 nA
10 nA
30 nA
2 Example SEM Values
Current (nA) | Brightness | Contrast | Contrast Multiplier |
2 | 1225 | 1635 | x56 |
10 | 1975 | 3590 | x1 |
30 | 1865 | 2785 | x1 |
100 |
1332 | 1805 | x1 |
4.3 Example Mark Location
Mark Type | Substrate Type |
Mark | X | Y | ||
Global Marks | Wafer | P | - | 0 |
Q | + | 0 | |
R | 0 | + | |
S | 0 | - | |
Piece | P | - | + |
Q | + | - | |
R | + | + | |
S | - | - | |
Chip Marks |
Either | M1 | - | + |
M2 | + | + | |
M3 | + | - | |
M4 | - | - |
4.4 Example Mark Composition
Mark Tone | Safe Parameters for Silicon Substrates | General Rules |
Liftoff |
For non-silicon substrates or other mark materials, follow Rooks' Rule: |
Zmark - Zsub) where:
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Etched | 1 μm deep (can go thinner, you'll need to experiment with how thin if this matters). | Width must be < 5 μm. Depths can be between 200 - 1000 nm and work, but you may need to employ more advanced mark detection methods. |
4.5 Example Mark Dimension
Mark Type | Mark Width, X/Y | Mark Length, X/Y |
Global Marks |
(P, Q, R, S) |
Wg = 5 µm |
Lg = |
250 µm |
Chip Marks |
(M1, M2, M3, M4) |
Wc = |
2 µm |
Lc = |
150 µm | ||
Wg = Global Mark Width. Lg = Global Mark Length. |
Wc = Chip Mark Width. Lc = Chip Mark Length. |
4.6 Example Mark Scan Parameters
Mark | Scan Position, X/Y |
Scan Width, X/Y |
P Rough |
3 * Wg |
3 * Wg |
P Fine |
(& all else) | 50% * Lg |
3 * Wg |
Q Rough |
3 * Wg | 25 * Wg |
Chip marks | 40% * Lc |
3 * Wc |
4.7 Example RG Detect Condition
Tab | Suggested Basic Values (Note: Italicized text is a variable/placeholder) |
Scan | PDEF, X→ Y, 50%*ThisMarkLength (For X & Y), 3*ThisMarkWidth (For X & Y), 1, 3, 19000 |
Offsets | All 0 |
Scan Type | Fine, Box, Cross, ThisMarkWidth, ThisMarkLength |
Gain | Don't check available, Add signal (first derivative), SEM Multiplier, SEM Contrast, SEM Brightness |
Correlate | Check Available, 100, 100, 100, End of Data Addition, 0, 50 |
Allowance | Check Available, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 50, 50, 50, 50 |
Raster | 0.000, 1 |
Retry | Global Marks: 1, 0.5, 0. |
5 |
5 Frequently Asked Questions
5.1 What if jbxwriter software is not up when I come to the machine?
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First verify that jbxwriter isn't just running on another desktop, check the bottom right to switch between all three desktops. If the software has indeed been closed, open jbxwriter with the icon on the desktop. When it opens, ensure the "on" icon in the bottom left is green. If so, the software is ready to use. If the "on" icon is blue, contact BNC staff. |
5.2 How can I check if the beam is on?
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In the current version of jbxwriter, the beam should usually be off and should not turn on unexpectedly. However, the software does not have a reliable beam on/off indication, and you can ensure the beam is off by measuring current at the Faraday Cup (FC). To verify the beam is off
5.3 How can I execute a Height Map?
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The Height Map function (Located in the Calibration → Material Corr. → Height Map tab) can be used to quickly measure heights across the samples. The machine will step through a grid, and measure the height at each point Basically, in the tab: After selecting the appropriate holder, input the sample center in material coordinates as the Offset, then give the number of points in X and Y and their spacing. Click Execute. Once it's complete, click the "Log" button, and see the output of the subprogram. For measuring height across the sample, use a height map:
5.4 What do I do if I see a Load Error (ebloaderd)? How can I avoid it?
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This error seems to have started with the installation of a new VAC CONT board back in 2018 (maybe). This board is one of the three computers that controls the system, and is responsible for load/unload operations. With the old board, if there was no cassette on the stage and no cassette in the load lock, and the LOAD/UNLOAD button was pressed, the system apparently ignored it. With the new board, there seems to be a change in behavior: now, pressing the LOAD/UNLOAD button without a cassette on the stage or in the load lock will cause an error in the software: "ebloaderd - Failed to start LOAD_EVAC or LOAD_VENT. Abnormality occurred in the program for monitoring for autoloader unit status." Clearing this error requires staff intervention, as the process, if done improperly, could vent the column, cause a loss in column vacuum pressure, or change critical software parameters. For this reason, if you accidentally encounter this error, please email Justin or Bill Rowe immediately, and we’ll get it resolved as soon as we can. Users are also encouraged to report the problem on the 8100 wiki page (preferably via the Equipment Status section of the page, though the comments section works as well) so other users know about it. To avoid seeing this error:
5.5 What do I do if AE or BE Mark detection fails?
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NOTE: This does not apply to finding the BE mark for DRIFT/Beam Drift correction. In that case, see answer 14. If you attempt this, please submit a support ticket to let us know you had the issue and had to take these steps. DO NOT change anything beyond what is described below in the AE/BE detect condition tab, as this could negatively and unpredictability affect your write and the writes of other users. If the AE or BE mark detection fails:
Remember: Do not change anything else in the AE/BE detect condition tabs, as changes could negatively and unpredictability affect your write and the writes of other users. |
5.6 What do I do if Beamer has an "all licenses are in use error"?
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Beamer has two licenses, one on the Raith/BRK 1239 PC and one on the Beamer PC next to the JEOL. If a previous user has not shut down Beamer, you will not be able to use it. If you encounter this error and have reserved the Raith/BRK 1239 or JEOL in Beamer, you are within your rights to restart the PC. This will cause the other user to lose their work, but the should have been courteous enough to save and exit Beamer in the first place. Once the PC is restarted, the Beamer license will be free again. |
5.7 Why am I getting a CHIPAL error?
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A CHIPAL error has been seen when software setting for virtual marks are incorrect, or when the sample height is out of range due to mis-mounting. |
5.8 Why is the beam drift correction not executing properly?
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Beam Drift correction (the DRIFT subprogram) executes automatically as part of the DIRE20 and DIRE05 calibration routines. When used during an exposure, it automatically uses the most accurate drift mark available to it:
The DRIFT scan settings for the BE mark are contained in the 0_currentnA.mcorrprm file, and the user double checks the location of the mark as part of 3.5.1 Unaligned Exposure Material Corrections. The location of the P global mark or M1 chip mark will be used automatically, the scan settings must be applied by the user as part of Save the Beam Drift parameters. If a DRIFT error like the one below appears, the SOP has not been properly followed: S/N ratio during X-direction mark detection exceeded allowable value To resolve this:
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| Q: Why is the screen that displays the beam information blank when I first start jbxwriter?||||
Q: I'm seeing an issue that may be due to lack of current measurement: The current is not being measured after DAILYCAL, or AGC won't run properly even when I can clearly see my mark? |