Facility Notices

Facility Notices



Types of items posted on this page

  • Upcoming shutdowns: These are posted in a yellow "Note" macro box 1 month prior to the shutdown. Once the shutdown is happening, the notification is changed to a red "Warning" macro. Inside the macro is a brief description and link to the relevant planned equipment shutdown page.

  • Facility outages: Such as being out of helium, which would affect multiple tools.

How to use

The facility notices page can be found here: https://purdue.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BNCWiki/pages/6248722/Facility+Notices

When you edit the page, anything in the Excerpt at the top of the page will show up on the Main Wiki page and all of the equipment pages.

You can insert a yellow box (Note macro) or red box (Warning macro) by clicking inside the Excerpt, pressing Shift+[, then typing either “Note” or “Warning”, and then Enter. This will place the yellow or red box in the Excerpt. Click the Note/Warning box and then mouse click the Edit button that comes up to edit the title.

In the window that comes up, enter the title (usually with the date and description of the issue, often just copied from the email that went out), then click Save. Then in the Note/Warning box, type the relevant description text (again, often copied and pasted from the email). Remove any unnecessary white space (so we don’t clutter up the pages), ensure Notify watchers is checked, then click the Update button.

After the issue is resolved, please be sure to come back here and delete the Note/Warning box so that the Excerpt box is empty again.

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