2024-07-15 to 2024-07-16: CLEANROOM INTERRUPTION

2024-07-15 to 2024-07-16: CLEANROOM INTERRUPTION

As part of the BRK modernization capital project we will need to close access to the cleanroom for 48 hours starting on Monday July 15, 2024 at 6AM through Tuesday July16, 2024 at 6AM.   

Starting on Monday July 15 at 5AM the cleanroom will be closed for a large crane to lift 7 new cleanroom air handling units (2-3 tons each) into the space above the cleanroom and sub fab areas.   For safety reasons personnel will not be able to access the cleanroom or the sub fab spaces during the crane activity.  The image below show some of the details for the crane work.  The next day Tuesday July 16 we will modify our cleanroom HVAC system that will cause the cleanroom temperature and humidity to be out of control for 8 to 10 hours.  We envision that the cleanroom temperature and humidity conditions will be cooler temperatures and lower humidity.  The goal is to have the cleanroom operational on Tuesday July 16 at 6PM.   The cleanroom HVAC modifications cannot happen at the same time as the crane activity for safety reasons.

The crane work is weather depended (heavy thunderstorms, lightning, or high winds), if the weather is an issue, then we will flip the crane activity and cleanroom HVAC modifications with each other.

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