Placing Orders

Placing Orders

  1. Fill out a Purchase Request Form. This must include:

    1. Vendor Information (mailing address, email, phone, URL)

    2. End User (your name and building it should be delivered to)

    3. Items (Quantity, item description, and part #, unit price, total price)

    4. Current Quote

    5. Explanation of how the purchase will benefit the project (account it is being purchased from)

    6. Account number

    7. PI Approval (signature on printed form or email approval)

  2. Send to BNC order clerk (info below)

    1. Providing detailed information for the order will help expedite the process and avoid delays due to missing information

    2. PR/PO will be emailed to you when order has been placed

BNC Order Clerk: Brenda Meador
Location: Front Atrium Desk
Email: meador3@purdue.edu
Phone: 765-494-7053


BNC Business Office 
Email: dp1211bo@purdue.edu