File Path Walkthrough (Checked 12/21/2023 KN)
aPaste the file path's name into the Windows search bar (opened by clicking the Start button) and then open the file location.
NOTE: If the user does not have the full file path, they will need to provide it; emailing the CSC and requesting access to "the O: drive" or "the Business Office drive" does not give pertinent information with which to assist the user.
If the Technical Coordinator or requester does not know the file path that is needed, they can utilize the command 'net use' on a computer that is already mapped through an opened Command Prompt window, as seen below.
This command does not require Specialist intervention or account elevation:
NOTE: In this instance, the requested drive would be the O: drive, and the requester would need to provide the full path; \\\itap_call_center\ITCSCallCenter.
Navigate to the requested folder. In this example, it is CAPITAL PROJECTS.
Right-click the selected folder.
Click 'Properties'.
Click 'Security'.
Click 'Advanced'. This will make the window larger and easier to read.
Find the right group by narrowing down the selected choice.
This request example wanted modify access. This was also a OnePurdue request, and not a BoilerAD request; it will migrate to BoilerAD once added in Active Directory for OnePurdue.
NOTE: Do not pick any items that are inherited from the Parent Object.
NOTE: Never add users to 'Full control' access. If there is a ticket, TC, or DCL that is requesting 'Full control' levels of access for a user, it needs to be escalated to CSDS_SUPPORT.
The Specialist will then look for the group in Active Directory and add user to the selected group.
Original KB Example
FP# 1187242 for reference. <KB ARTICLE DOES NOT EXIST (KN)>