Inactive Account Timeline Requests

Inactive Account Timeline Requests

Automatic feeds from either Student Services or Human Resources inform the Identity and Access Management group when an account needs to be disabled.

ITaP has no control over this disabling process.

When Student Services or HR updates the account to say that the user is no longer active, then an automatic feed informs the Identity and Access Management group, who then disables the account.

This automatic process occurs approximately every six months.

Students, regardless of status within the University, when requesting exact dates of account deactivation, will instead need to speak with Student Services via phone - 765-494-1747.

FP Ticket # Reference: 1249440.


If a graduated alumnus requests an email address to supplement their expiring @purdue.edu address, they will need to visit https://alumniemail.ud.purdue.edu/ to set up a permanent address.