IOC Updates
Boilerkey Tokens
We will be issuing tokens during business hours only from TEL. Do not let anyone in the TEL building. When they buzz, verify their PPS over the phone/camera that we use now. Let them know you will be setting the token outside for them. They can verify it works. If it does not they can buzz us again or you can stand outside 6 feet away and wait for them to verify.
Specs arranging the token requests:
- If we get one of these requests that we cannot direct to another option, whomever has the ticket or call, please work with the person in TEL at the time and then assign them the ticket.
- Please reply/respond/communicate with the customer the DUO mobile or list of codes options before just scheduling a token pickup. We would like to keep the traffic down to a minimum.
- You might want to make a temporary boilerplate for a response to them on the procedure once they get to TEL.
Networking Communication
"During the day, shoot us a note at You can call the oncall during the day if you deem fit too. If something really bursts into flames, feel free to call my cell below for a faster heads up. We will be keeping an eye on the same monitoring tools remotely, so hopefully we’ll catch things fairly quickly." - Justin
Alex pointed out that most of them are on PurdueIT Slack as well so maybe small chit chat with them through that.
TEL Mail Delivery
We will be letting in the mail delivery as well. Please be on the look out. Sounds like someone in shipping will be back there during business hours all next week so that should help.