Bio Cleanroom
Bio Cleanroom
This is a pharmaceutical-grade environment that can be used for electrochemical testing, cell culture on devices, soft materials fabrication, and imaging of biological material.
- There is a room dedicated to a confocal microscope that can be used to image biological samples as well as electrical devices
- This requires additional training - contact staff
- There is a BSL-2 lab with a biosafety hood that can be used for cell culture
- This requires additional training - contact staff
- There are work benches, an acid hood, and a solvent hood
- There is lithography equipment dedicated to soft materials
- There is an area with designated equipment for electrochemical testing
- There are two passthroughs: one from the cleanroom into the Bio Cleanroom, and one between the hallway and the Bio Cleanroom
Staff contact: Guy Telesnicki
Basic Training and Tour of Facility
Gowning procedure:
- Blue lab coat (Black if you are working in the cell culture room)
- Bouffant cap
- shoe covers
- safety glasses
- gloves - optional