Battery Life Script:

Battery Life Script:


Compiled: \\nas01\itcr_dept\CSDS\CSDS General\Scripts\Ad Hoc\PS GetComputerInfo\


This procedure can be run remotely for Laptops from your Office computer. (Desktops will show 0% battery life)

  1. Run Powershell as Admin (Dadmin)
  2. Copy and paste the Script below and run it by hitting the "run" or the Green play button at the top. (leave all quotes) 

$Computer = “csds-XXXXX” #Replace with actual machine name

function Get-BatteryHealth {

  $FCC = Get-WMIObject -cn $Computer -Namespace root\wmi -Class BatteryFullChargedCapacity | select FullChargedCapacity

  $DC = Get-WMIObject -cn $Computer -Namespace root\wmi -Class BatteryStaticData | select DesignedCapacity

  $batteryresult = ($FCC.FullChargedCapacity / $DC.DesignedCapacity) * 100

  $batteryresult = [math]::Round($batteryresult)

  "Battery running at $batteryresult% of original manufactured state"}

Get-BatteryHealth -cn $Computer

3. You will get the output of the Battery Life at the bottom of the stating "Battery running at XX% of the original Manufactured State."


We typically see a degradation in user’s batteries below 65%; anything under 40% is very noticeable. If we notice a battery below 40% advise the user they may want to get a new one purchased through their department. If the user is constantly on a docking station they will not notice the battery degradation and will not need a new battery since their power comes from the dock.

**The battery purchase can be advised to employees that travel or have their laptop off the dock constantly**

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