Bruker Catalyst AFM

Refer to the Material and Process Compatibility page for information on materials compatible with this tool.
Equipment Status: Set as UP, PROBLEM, or DOWN, and report the issue date (MM/DD) and a brief description. Italicized fields will be filled in by BNC Staff in response to issues. See Problem Reporting Guide for more info.

Issue Date and Description

Estimated Fix Date and Comment

Responding Staff

iLab Name: Bruker Catalyst AFM
iLab Kiosk: BRK Metrology Core
Helen McNally
Owner: Joon Park
BRK 1265
Maximum Wafer Size: 


General Description

The BioScope Catalyst Life Science AFM has been designed from top to bottom to make it easier to realize the benefits of combining atomic force microscopy and light microscopy.


  • X/Y range: 150 microns
  • Z range: 23 microns 
  • XY sample stage: motorized stage with 10 x 10 mm range, includes magnetic sample clamps for 1x 3in slides, 25mm coverslips, 35 and 60mm plastic petri dishes, and 50mm glass bottom petri dishes.
  • Height noise: <0.1nm RMS (air); <0.2nm RMS (fluid)
  • Force noise: thermally-limited, PicoForce-quality force measurements, <10pN RMS for cantilever with k=20pN/nm
  • Inverted optical microscopes: Olympus IX71
  • AFM controller: NanoScope V

Sample Requirements and Preparation

Standard Operating Procedure

Questions & Troubleshooting