Jipelec RTA

Jipelec RTA

Refer to the Material and Process Compatibility page for information on materials compatible with this tool.
Equipment Status
: Set as UP, PROBLEM, or DOWN, and report the issue date (MM/DD) and a brief description. Italicized fields will be filled in by BNC Staff in response to issues. See Problem Reporting Guide for more info.

Issue Date and Description
Estimated Fix Date and Comment

Responding Staff

Jipelec Jetfirst RTA

iLab Name: Jipelec RTA
iLab Kiosk: BRK Furnace Core
FIC: Shared
Owner: Rich Hosler
Cleanroom - R Bay
Maximum Wafer Size: 
8"/200 mm



  • Acid cleaned upper quartz window and re-calibrated with RCA cleaned wafers. Now full original capability is restored for normal operation. Vacuum operation may still need some correction.
  • Calibration data for pyrometer included below.


  • Updated all recipes with temperatures over 550C to transition from 50% to 100% above 550C. This should prevent any errors with ramp rate temp limit alarms.
  • Also working on a new vacuum calibration file for the pyrometer, will be posted soon. Custom recipes that use this should call out the Si-Vac-Cal.pyr file for pyro calibration.

7/19/23 - Calibration with new HT Pyrometer

10/13/22 - Calibration as of below.

General Description

The Jipelec RTA is a very powerful rapid thermal processing machine, capable of ramping as high as 300°C per second, although not recommended for process reproducibility. The stainless steel cold wall chamber provides a very clean process environment. Small samples are placed on a 6" wafer holder. Temperature control depends upon your final steady state temperature. For temperature below 500°C, a thermocouple is used to control the temperature. For temperatures above 500C a pyrometer is used.


  • Max Temperature: 1100°C

  • Max Processing Time: 5 minutes

  • Available Gas: N2, O2, Ar, and Forming Gas

  • Vacuum Capability: Yes (50 mTorr base)

  • Max Wafer Size: 8"/200 mm, but typically will use a 6 inch wafer as a sample holder

Sample Requirements and Preparation

You must supply (and piranha clean) your own 6" silicon wafer as a sample holder for smaller sample.

If possible, samples should be Piranha cleaned for 10 minutes. If this is not possible due to material incompatibility, a TAI Solvent clean followed by a mandatory DI water rinse step is permissible.



Standard Operating Procedure


Questions & Troubleshooting

Temperature overshoot

Problem: The actual temperature far exceeds the temperature setpoint upon ramp up.

The most likely cause is oxidation on your silicon chuck. A small amount of silicon dioxide on the backside of the silicon wafer chuck can change how the TC interacts, and also the emissivity of the surface.

Another possibility is the size and mass of your sample. Since recipes are created looking at the mass of only the chuck without your sample, your sample adds a certain amount of thermal mass to the process.


Clean the oxide off your wafer with a dilute HF strip (or BOE).
Try smaller samples in more batches.

Temperature Control Failure

Problem: An error/alarm pops up during ramp up or steady state indicating there is a problemwith the closed-loop temperature control system.

The most likely cause of this error is contaminants on the backside of the wafer (where the pyrometer and TC observe the wafer).


Clean the wafer with piranha followed by BOE.

Temperature does not ramp up at all

Problem: When running a recipe, the temperature setpoint goes up, but the actual temperature does not.

A couple of issues may exist:

  • The wrong temperature control mode has been selected. That is, the recipe may be expecting to control with the thermocouple, but it is retracted into the water cooled chuck due to running in pyrometer control mode.
  • The PID Parameters may be in the wrong “mode”.


Make sure the recipe you’re running is set up for the current configuration of the machine. (Run TC controlled recipes with the TC touching your sample)

Open the PID Parameter window, and make sure the green lights are on the following buttons:
NAK (flashing green / black)

Process Library

Jipelec Recipes Library:


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