C - Veeco Fiji G3 Atomic Layer Deposition Tool

C - Veeco Fiji G3 Atomic Layer Deposition Tool

iLab Name

Veeco Fiji G3 Atomic Layer Deposition Tool

iLab Kiosk

BRK Growth Core


Zhihong Chen


Mihailo Bradash and Thi Anh Ho


BRK 2100G

Max. Wafer

200 mm / 8"

Info Links

SOP | InternalStaff


BRKSC-MRB-_57__1000006901 (1).jpg



General Description

Fiji G3 Atomic Layer Deposition tool

This is an example of a tip

This is an example of a tool warning


Current materials provided with tool are as follows.
TMA, SiO2, HfO2, ZrO2 at ranges 90-300C
Maximum cycle limit is 300 cycles for users unless otherwise specified.

Technology Overview - Remove if multiple tools use the same technology/process

 Description of the science behind the process. Include figures and diagrams if applicable.


Sample Requirements and Preparation

Samples that may be used in the tool, materials that are compatible/incompatible, and the required cleaning before the tool may be used. May include both an "ideal" clean and a minimum required clean. Also include BOE/oxide removal, dehydration, or any recommended post process steps.


Standard Operating Procedure

Standard procedure for tool operation, base off established Birck SOPs.

Process Control Information

Process Control Context


Process Control Charts



Questions & Troubleshooting

Question about tool use or process result?
Answer to question.


Process Library

Create process template for tool, allows a user to fill in the details of their process. 



Manufacturer brochures, specifications, papers with relevant info on process, and presentations covering the technology. Confluence lacks a native reference feature, so these are added as links.


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