Electrical and Magnetic Properties
Newly Installed Equipment Highlights
Probe station LakeShore CRX-VF: 2.5 Tesla vertical B-field, Temp from10 K - 500 K, DC to 40 GHz probing
Probe station MicroXact CPS-50-HT: up to 900 C, high vacuum or inert gas, DC up to 40 GHz (RF to 500 C)
Probe station LakeShore CRX-4K: 4.5 K - 350 K, DC to 40 GHz probing
Probe station FormFactor PAV200: semi-automatic 8" wafer scale probing from DC to 67 GHz, high vacuum (1e-6 torr), up to 300 C
Real-time oscilloscope Keysight DSOV134A: 13 GHz, 80/40 GSa/s, 4-port
Arbitrary Waveform Generator Keysight M8195A: 65 GSa/s, 16 GSa memory, sequencer, fast switching, 4 channels
Vector network analyzer Copper Mountain S5243: 10 MHz - 44 GHz, 2 port
Semiconductor Parameter Analyzers Keysight B1500A and Keithley 4200A: combined multi-frequency C-V and I-V, hi-res SMUs (<10 fA)
High current-voltage curve tracer bundle Keithley 2651A/2657A/2636B/4200A-SCS: I-V and C-V to 2 kV / 100 amp
Advanced low frequency noise analyzer Keysight E4727B A-LFNA: 30 mHz - 100 MHz
32-channel digital pattern instrument NI PXIe-6571
New recharge facility in Wang Hall: RF measurements
Suite of Keysight equipment for advanced RF measurements including Keysight PNA-X N5247B, PNA-L N5232B, PXA N9030B, AWG M8196A, oscilloscope UXR0134A, oscilloscope MXR058A
Electrical Properties
Probe stations are used in conjunction with semiconductor parameter analyzers, lock-in amplifiers, function generators, and curve tracers to electrically drive devices and measure the performance and outputs of semiconductors, metals, superconductors, and transistors.
- Eight probe stations (LakeShore, Cascade, FormFactor, MM, Jandel) both inside and outside the clean room, providing a temperature range of 4.5 K up to 1173 K (900 C) and magnetic fields up to 2.5 T; Environments can be air, vacuum or inert gas, and measurements can be made from DC to RF (40 GHz) in time or frequency domain
- Quantum Design DynaCool PPMS cryogen-free platform provides 1.8 – 400 K temperature range and magnetic fields up to 9 T
- Oxford Triton cryogen-free dilution refrigerator provides temperatures down to 10 mK and magnetic fields up to 12 T
Magnetic Properties
These instruments measure the magnetic fields emanating from, or inside of, the material under study. This allows us to quantify the total number of magnetic spins in a material, its magnetic anisotropy, magnetic phase transitions and GHz spin dynamics. Samples can be thin films, powder, bulk or single crystals. Equipment includes:
Quantum Design MPMS-3 EverCool SQUID magnetometer:
- high sensitivity <10-8 emu (10-11 A-m2) noise floor
- temperature from 1.8 – 1000 K
- magnetic field up to ±7 tesla
- SQUID AC susceptibility from 0.1 – 1000 Hz
- High speed: m(H) loops in minutes
- Samples: film, bulk, crystals, powder
- 8mm diameter sample space (4x4mm film typical)
Quantum Design DynaCool PPMS:
- Vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) with <10-6 emu sensitivity
- Broadband ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) up to 18 GHz
- Temperature from 1.8 – 400 K
- Magnetic field up to ±9 tesla
DynaCool PPMS is also equipped for thermal measurements:
- Bulk thermal conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, Nernst effect, thermoelectric ZT
- Heat capacity microcalorimeter
Research scientists in charge:
Quantum Design lab - Neil Dilley
Probe station lab - Angshuman Deka
Wang Hall RF lab - Ahmad Darwish
- Quantum Design DynaCool PPMS
- Cascade PMC 200 DC/RF Probe Station
- EverBeing EB-6 Probe Station
- FormFactor PAV200 Semi-Automatic Vacuum Probe Station
- Jandel 4-point Probe
- Lakeshore CRX-4K Cryogenic Probe Station
- Lakeshore CRX-VF Cryogenic Vertical Field Probe Station
- Lakeshore DC Probe Station
- MDC Mercury Probe
- Microxact CPS-50-HT High Temperature Probe Station
- MM 6000 Cleanroom DC Probe Station
- MM P200L Semi-Automatic Probe Station
- MMR H-50 Hall Effect Station
- Oxford Triton Dilution Refrigerator
- Probe 1 - Cascade MPS150 DC Probe Station
- Quantum Design MPMS-3 SQUID Magnetometer
- Suss PLV50 DC Probe Station
Educational Resources
"Learn How to Optimize Low-Level Measurements using Lake Shore Cryogenic Probe Stations and Quantum Design PPMS®"
November 16, 2023Keysight Lunch & Learn seminar:
"Advanced Material and Device Characterization with the B1500A Parameter Analyzer"
November 2, 2023
BNC Tutorial
"A Practical guide to electrical characterization of materials at BNC"
February 4, 2020
seminars from this workshop:
"Electrical measurements: contacts, measurement electronics, general advice" ; Dr. Neil Dilley, BNC
"Electrical Transport Tutorial: The Final frontier", Dr. Nithin Raghunathan, BNC
"A Faster Hall Measurement", Dr. Jeff Lindemuth, LakeShore Cryotronics