Oxford Triton Dilution Refrigerator

Oxford Triton Dilution Refrigerator

Refer to the Material and Process Compatibility page for information on materials compatible with this tool.
Equipment Status: Set as UP, PROBLEM, or DOWN, and report the issue date (MM/DD) and a brief description. Italicized fields will be filled in by BNC Staff in response to issues. See Problem Reporting Guide for more info.

Issue Date and Description

Estimated Fix Date and Comment

Responding Staff

iLab Name: N/A
iLab Kiosk: N/A
 Peide Ye
 Cleanroom Bay F
Maximum Wafer Size: 290 mm diameter


General Description

Triton™ dilution refrigerator is a versatile Cryofree® research tool for applications in quantum technology and condensed matter physics at temperatures < 10 mK. It is equipped with a superconducting 12 Tesla magnet, bottom sample-loading mechanism, signal wiring and optical windows to make it suitable for any ultra-low temperature measurement.

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This is an example of a tool warning


Cooling Power:  up to 12 uW at 20 mK

Solenoid magnet up to 12 T field

Easy sample access with loading taking <15 minutes

Up to 28 RF and 100 DC connections on a single sample puck

ESD protection via sample grounding or biasing before the puck docks with experimental wiring

Available with options for optical access and intgrated piezo nano-positioning stages.

Technology Overview

Triton cryogen free dilution refrigerators are software controlled via a high quality PC running Windows 10, providing system automation of refrigerator routines and programmable temperature/field sequences.

System automation

  • Fully automatic cool-down/warm-up routines
  • Fully automatic pre-cooling/mixture collection
  • Sample change wizard for systems with bottom- or top-loading sample exchange load-locks
  • Fully integrated magnet control via our magnet field control software, making field setting easy, even with vetor magnets in two or three dimensions 

Experimental control

  • Programmable temperature and field sequences
  • Programming library supplied with example LabVIEW VIs
  • Integration of dilution refrigerator / magnet control and experimental data acquisition

In-built safety features

  • Continuous monitoring of all pressure gauges
  • System automatically enters 'safe state', if necessary
  • Automatic software intervention in case of over pressure with fail-safe in-line pressure relief valves, protecting the mixture and dilution refrigerator in the event of extended power failures
  • UPS option – automatic alert emails can be sent to user in the event of a power failure
  • Monitoring of magnet temperature during field sweep, high temperature control and sample loading
  • Automatic magnet de-energisation in the event of power cut, pulse tube cooler failure, or excessive heat load on second stage cooling

Triton command interfaces

  • Platform independent remote scripting interface
  • Standard internet (TCP/IP) protocol
  • Compatible with any programming language that can access the TCP port e.g. LabVIEW / Matlab / Python / C / C++ / C# / Visual Basic / HP VEE, etc.
  • Monitoring and control of automatic software routines and system parameters
  • Definable access levels (read only/read-write) with security

User support

  • Remote system access by Oxford Instruments support staff can be enabled to aid system diagnostics
  • All system settings are backed up prior to shipping from the factory

Sample Requirements and Preparation

Standard Operating Procedure

Questions & Troubleshooting

Process Library


Lockout-Tagout procedure for users: 

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